new Wendell Berry: Imagination in Place

A new Wendell Berry book is always a cause for celebration, and I’ve wanted to announce this for several days.  Being away, I couldn’t update BookNotes, but now am just thrilled to be writing.  I really am thrilled–this is beautiful, wonderful stuff.

Imagination in Place (Counterpoint; $24.00) is the latest collection of essays by Mr. Berry, and it is brilliantly conceived.   In the last year or so Berry’s publishers have done a gift book reprint of the old Mad Farmer’s Liberation Front poems, a very new poetry volume (Leavings) and a children’s book, Whitefoot.  To be honest, I don’t recall when the last collection of essays came out. (Was it The Way of Ignorance in 2006?)  And the last several of those were about a variety of subjects, his typical anthology of writings or speeches or letters about agriculture, culture, politics, the nature of the common good, environmentalism, local eating, theology, or the ways in which daily practices of rural living can give insight about the nature of a life well lived.  Michael Pollen newly edited a fabulous collection of Berry’s writing about food and eating, Bringing it to the Table: On Farming and Food, which we announced late this fall–what a great idea that was, too.  Those pieces, though, were not new, and gleaned (pun intended) from his various books and publications.  Still, only the most avid Berry collector would have had them all (some were from old books, some from journals or magazine pieces.)  What a great idea that was for a new paperback collection. 

imagination in place.jpgImagination in Place is, on the face of it, popular literary criticism.  Each chapter is about a poet or novelist or writer he admires.  However, there is a deeper theme here (although even a random collection of Berry’s admiration of and friendship with different writers would itself be great.)  Each of the writers he describes here are writers of place.  Wallace Stegner on the American Southwest, or Ernest Gaines and his Louisiana plantations, or Donald Hall’s New England are the sorts of well-known novelists or poets he celebrates.  Berry laments (the dust jacket says) “today’s dispossessed and displaced, those writers and people with no home and no citizenship, but he argues that there is hope for the establishment of new local cultures in both the practical and the literary sense.”

(One chapter, “God, Science and Imagination”, which starts out as a critique of fundamentalist scientism, and ends up talking about human rights.  It is a piece he just wrote, apparently, and while not quite in keeping with the theme, it is, naturally,  rich and thoughtful.)

The book picks up a theme that is foundational in Berry—“imagination is particularizing and a local force, native to the ground underfoot.” (A thoughtful college student might take this up as a study topic for a thesis; I wonder how this compares to C.S. Lewis On Stories, say?)   I must admit, the several chapters I’ve read in this so far have been utterly delightful and profoundly insightful.  I read pages and pages out loud to Beth, laughing together at a few of his wry observations.  Standing By Words is an old favorite of his, about the writing life, however this new one seems to me to be so much more interesting, less dense and more anecdotal.  He tells stories of meeting authors, shares lovely details about his friendships, and tells how certain books have kept him going.  One exceptionally moving story is in the chapterwendell_berry.jpg “My Friend Hayden” about how Denise Levertov gave him the soon-to-be-published carbon-copied pages of the first book of poetry by Hayden Carruth (who later went on to become the poet laureate of Vermont.)  Berry was in considerable anguish about living in New York and as an up-and-coming writer, had friends who insisted he should stay in the high cultural center of Manhattan.  Reading the poetry of a rural farmer in Vermont consoled him that his move back to his Kentucky homeland was not a bad thing.  What a beautiful chapter, a chapter that illustrates well the point of this collection: the best writers are rooted in a place, and this sense of place (as it is often called) can teach us how to pay attention to our own places.  In our highly mobile, late modern (or is it postmodern?) fast-paced world, staying put is counter-cultural.  Berry’s deeply informed views of literature and poetry show us how to appreciate not only the authors he teaches us about, but points us to this remarkable vision of hope, hope for a place, hope for decent living, hope for God’s good world, as we nurture our imaginations.

I could tell you more, but will say just these two things: the first chapter is one of the best I’ve read to understand Berry’s literary sensibilities.  Other than the large collection of interviews with him, published by the University of Mississippi Press,  this is a great introduction, as he tells about his interest in agrarian writers and, more, agrarian principles, and even more, agrarian practices.  It is all about good farming, for him, living well on the particular plot of land you’ve got.   Inner spiritual disciplines or abstract ruminations on worldview or theological principles of social justice all have their place, he might say, but it finally comes down to your literal neighborhood, your watershed, your real and unique life, here, now.

His ruminations on how his fictional Port William’s characters and stories are shaped by his own membership in his real place of Lane’s Landing are wonderful to read; obviously for those who love Memory of Old Jack or Hannah Coulter or Jayber Crow will want to read this. Anyone who wants a good eye guiding you through some of the great literary voices of our age will also appreciate this with delight (whether they are firstly drawn by his localism or not.)  Anybody who wants to live well, I’d say, should celebrate this kind of work. 

I can’t let this glorious announcement stand without also noting how these notions of  localismbeyond homelessness.jpg and subversive imagination are most profoundly explored in Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement by Brian Walsh and Steven Bouma-Prediger (Eerdmans; $24.00.) When I announced a few posts ago that Steve Garber’s Fabric of Faithfulness (in its expanded edition) was my pick for the Book of the Decade, I also gave a nod to Beyond Homelessness.  I have mentioned it often in these pages, not just because Brian and Steven are friends of ours, but because it really is the only book that discusses this stuff with such Biblical fidelity, such theological insight, such prophetic critique of the powers that be and the spirit of the age.  It does study the concrete problem of urban homelessness and domestic poverty, but its grand thesis is that economic systems that help cause and sustain patterns of injustice are, in part, caused by a worldview of carelessness for place.  From he
aven-bound rapture theologies to hipster nomadic lifestyles (they discuss the then little known novel by Walter Kirn, Up in the Air) to postmodern restlessness, our disregard for tradition and family and place and neighborhood and creation leads to an unsustainable and inhumane way of life. (Have you seen the new book Next Stop, Reloville: Life Inside America’s New Rootless Professional Class by Peter Kilborn?  Wow!) The ideologies of capitalism and progress that drive the American way of life, impacting rich and poor alike,  fly in the face of Biblical values and Beyond Homelessness, more powerfully than any, calls us to grapple profoundly with a new imagination that has eyes to see people, animals, plants and places as given gifts of grace.  By using home-making metaphors, and exploring the Biblical theme of exile and the redemptive promise of home-coming, Beyond… deepens the insights of books like Al Wolter’s Creation Regained or Andy Crouch’s Culture-Making and the many good titles on creation-care and the call to stewardship and the cultural mandate.  

Brian Walsh (and his wife Sylvia Keesmaat) were so taken by a Berry-esque vision of embodiment in a place that they helped form an intentional community, Russet House Farm, a small gang who bought an organic farm and learning center in rural Ontario. They are learning homesteading skills even as they read Scripture anew, with creation-care practices illuminating their work as Bible scholars and their Biblical studies work shaping their farming lives. Berry’s line from Imagination in Place comes to mind where he says he has “written as a farmer and farmed as a writer.” Brian & Sylvia are in a similar place, holding workshops on everything from bread-making to Biblical studies of Eucharistic bread-offering.  It was Walsh & Keesmaat who I first heard publicly cite, in a sermon years ago at the annual February Jubilee conference, Mr. Berry’s old subversive Manifesto:Mad Farmer’s Liberation Front poem that we had relished years ago, the one with the concluding line, “practice resurrection.” (That line is taken up as the title for the brand new Eugene Peterson book, the fifth in his solid series of spiritual theology, by the way. I’ll write about that soon.)

So, Imagination in Place tells of Wendell Berry’s literary influences, each who captures a sense of place, and how that particularity in poetry or novels or memoir can help us all gain new imagination, new attention, new ways of seeing, our own places.  Odd, how particularity can yield such universal insights.

And, then, a reminder of the urgent and rich and deep work offered as theological resource for this project of stewardly care for our places, Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement by Walsh & Bouma-Prediger.  Two related books, though different in style, and both very highly recommended.


Imagination in Placeimagination smaller.jpg
Wendell Berry
$5 off
special discounted price

Beyond Homelessness
beyond smaller.jpgBrian Walsh & Steven Bouma Prediger
$5 off
special discounted price


mention this special

Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street  Dallastown, PA 17313     717.246.3333

Listen on the radio—-and a 50% off offer

I’ve been wanting to type up the final draft of the Best Books of the Year Part Two that I promised, but just can’t find time.  Soon and very soon.  I hope…thanks for your patience.

So, I hope you don’t view this as a delaying tactic.  I really do want to tell you that I will be appearing onJohn & Kathy WORD FM.jpg the radio on Pittsburgh’s WORD-FM this Wednesday around 4-5 PM (EST) with the best talk show hosts I know, John & Kathy.  All this week they are doing a good series on Christian engagement with popular culture and will have rock music critics, film makers, novelists like Anne Rice, me….uh, did I say me?  Yep, right up their with Pittsburgh Steeler Daniel Sepulveda, and other great folks who live out their interests “in but not of” the world around us.  I talk books, publishing, classics, the shift to electronic reading, reading for study, reading for pleasure, and mumbling a few cheap words about buckling down and making time for what matters most, including reading. Like I have that figured out.  I hope you enjoy listening in if you are able.  I think it might be on their website eventually, too.  The whole week’s series is going to be great!
(You can be friends with them on Facebook, too, here.)  Scroll back through and see who they’ve interviewed—-and then feel free to order the books from us, if you’d like.  

invitation to the classics.jpgI rattled off a list of great classics with which we should at least be familiar.  I also admitted that I appreciate handbooks to such stuff, guidebooks and suggestions, to help us along, such as the wonderful Invitation to the Classics: A Guide to the Books You Always Wanted to Read edited by Louise Cowan and Os Guinness (Baker; $26.95)  It is encyclopedic, full color, interesting, and with some suggestions as to why people of faith might find these master books to be of use.  From early church fathers to the key figures in Western thought and literature and theology, this is the best book of its kind. This is a beautifully produced book with many solid contributors, helping us learn about the best of Western literature, explained well from within a thoughtful, appreciative, Christian worldview. 

Tell us if you listened to this interview (if you really did, of course) and we’ll sell Invitation to the Classics to you at half off.  That’s 50% off.  Kind of a payback after the radio initiation rite.  Fair enough?

We’re now out of town selling books with some UCC clergy friends for a few days (with guest speaker, old pal Graham Standish, author of Becoming a Blessed Church and Humble Leadership, both published by the Alban Institute) so we pre-recorded the interview.  Hosts J&K seemed pleased, and we hope you will be too–Wednesday, January 27th at 4:00-5:00 EST.

Byron at counter.jpgWhile I’m presuming to invite you to listen in to the sound of my voice—catching, perhaps,
jory fisher.jpg some of my enthusiasm and joy for the printed page and our high calling of bookselling that you may not get if you are a BookNotes reader or friend of the store on Facebook—you might recall that my friend Jory Fisher, who has an internet radio show on life coaching, calling, and purpose, had us on her show last fall.  It was a very special time as she invited us to not only tell our story, but to tell of books that will help others find their passion and purpose and how all of us, as we discern our vocations and callings, can impact the world around us, to God’s greater glory

The interview with me can be found at the archives of Heart & Soul With Jory Fisher here and we’d love for you to hear our little song and dance.  While you are there, check out the other good stories she has uncovered–she found some good folks to share some remarkable testimonials about how they make a difference in their corner of the world.  I was especially impressed with the good interview with Gordon Smith, a wonderful author who nicely brings together a serious sense of vocation and calling, and attends to the inner journey of spiritual formation along the way.  It is very helpful to hear him, as a conservative Protestant, to draw so nicely on the Ignatian method of spiritual honesty and discernment.  See, for instance, his book Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God-given Potential (IVP; $15.00)  It is particularly wise and mature study of this vital topic that Jory explores so nicely in her interview with him.

Anyway, thought you might like to hear my interview with her, and learn a bit about us, our bookstore, and why we so appreciate our mail order friends alongside our local customers.

Tell us if you listened to this interview (if you really did, of course) and we’ll send you a book any book on vocation, calling or purpose that I mentioned, at half off.   That’s 50% off any one mentioned. Good deal, huh?

Thanks for caring about books, for keeping indie shops alive, for your interest in our writing, reviewing and ruminations about our Kingdom living in God’s good world.  I hope these audio interviews might remind you, as it does us when we get to speak it, what we are all about.

Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street  Dallastown, PA  17313     717.246.3333


Book of the Decade announced in November ’09 Monthly Review Column

The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief &

Steven Garber
(IVP, 2007) $16.00

fabric larger.jpg

In the mid 1990s I had this long, wonderful, interesting conversation–late,
late into the night—with my friend Steve Garber. He was working on his Ph.D.
in education, trying to learn through research, vast reading, great
conversations with leading mentors and educators, and tons of first hand
interviews with not-so-young-adults—what caused Christian faith to take hold
in meaningful, long-lasting, and integrated ways. I was happy to regale him with
stories of my own college years, and into my journey with the Coalition for
Christian Outreach (CCO) doing campus ministry. Steve and I had many mutual
friends, some common interests, and shared an affinity for professor of
philosophical aesthetics, Calvin Seerveld, and all-of-life-redeemed philosopher
/preacher Dr. Peter J. Steen, and the agrarian essayist and poet, Wendell Berry.
Each gave feisty and academic legs to the vision of God’s Kingdom coming in
every area of life and invited us to live life with an earthy, Christian
lifestyle. Steve told me about his early days as a college student living in
community and running a thoughtful, Christian activist newspaper and his days
learning from Francis and Edith Schaeffer in their Swiss study center, L’Abri. I
told him about my feeble activism on behalf of the United Farm Workers,
advocating for nonviolent social justice in ways inspired by Martin Luther King
and Cesar Chavez. Mostly, we pondered how in God’s great grace He has drawn us
to good authors—I think I was re-reading J.I. Packer’s
Knowing God at
the time—and the good people in our lives who kept us going as we attempted to
live faithfully for Christ’s reign in our callings, careers, and vocations.

I didn’t know, or don’t recall thinking, that this interview would end up
being in a book, let alone a book that great leaders (from Stanley Hauerwas to
James Sire) would insist was one of the best books ever about the journey of young
adult faith into serious, integrated whole-life discipleship. After having
read Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief & Behavior in the
University Years
,(first released in late 1996) and enjoying the many, many
stories of fellow pilgrims who told their stories to Steve, I realize that my
little late night interview wasn’t all that vital. Some of the stories, however,
are truly amazing, and some of the folks he tells of in the book are stunning in
their insight and eloquence. Still, all of us who were interviewed, nearly every
one, had some testimony of the same three things, three things that Steve has
identified through research, reading, and his excellent knack of listening so
very well, to be the things that most characterize what Eugene Peterson’s book
on the Psalms calls “a long obedience in the same direction.” Three things that
help us keep on keeping on, long after the heady and idealistic years of campus
fellowship groups and young adult commitments.

Sure, Peterson swiped the line from Neitzsche. And Garber swipes lines from
everybody from abolitionist William Wilberforce to novelist Walker Percy, from
Bono to Beavis, from third century Augustine to twentieth century Newbigin, from
Calvin (and Hobbes) to Calvin (of Geneva.) It makes for a fun and engaging read,
a contemporary and urgent book, at once learned and urgent. I mention it often
in my own book reviewing and public speaking; it has become a touchstone of
sorts, a classic.

When pondering the best non-fiction Christian books of this decade, in fact,
a few continue to impress me, haunt me, challenge me, and reassure me. Among
others I could name, I think Brian Walsh & Sylvia Keesmaat’s remarkably
faithful, postmodern Bible study, Colossians Remixed: Subverting the
(IVP) and the delightful and insightful Culture-Making:
Recovering our Creative Calling
by Andy Crouch (IVP) or all three of the titles by Lauren Winner stand out for
me as perhaps the truly most significant of the 2000s.

Yet, in the later half of that first decade of the new century, Steve
Garber’s Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief & Behavior was re-issued by InterVarsity Press,
allowing me to declare here that it is “the book of the decade.” Of
course the great new cover really helps and the shortened subtitle (showing that
its audience is most often those who have graduated from college and, perhaps
approaching mid-life like many of those interviewed in the book, were longing to
more fully understand the relationship of the Biblical themes of vocation and
the Kingdom of God.) Yes, that subtitle makes it clear that this is a book about
integrity, about living with coherence and clarity about “connecting the dots”
between our deepest worship on Sunday and our deepest struggles on Monday. Such
integration is the foundation upon which long-term, hopeful discipleship

But, most importantly, there is, quite significantly, a fabulously
interesting and very important new introduction and afterward.

Steve Garber.JPG

These two new chapters, which include moving stuff about William Wilberforce,
about valiant Chinese dissidents, about Steve’s’ meetings with the likes of
seeking rock star Billy Corgan or Peter Gabriel, are among Garber’s most
eloquent writings, and they set the stage for the re-launch of Fabric as
a truly adult book. It is to some extent about learning, about young people in
their yearnings for a life of coherence, and it was written when Steve was
mostly working with collegiates. Deans and administrators and educators have
used it. He does talk about rock stars and youth trends and pop culture. So,
yes, yes— it is a book even for college students. But more, especially with
the significant new book-ends of powerful forward and afterward—you have to
read them for yourselves to see what I mean—this is now more than ever for
anyone who longs for the deepest joys of discovering a sense of vocation, of
relating faith to their tasks in this sorrowful, broken world, for those who
long to make a difference, in the arts, culture, business, civic life or other
areas where a Christian worldview might most profoundly shape our thinking and
practices, allowing us to engage the societal pressures and resist the cultural
forces so well described and analyzed within these pages.

So. BOOK OF THE DECADE it is, thanks to the expanded edition that appeared in
2005. I thought to celebrate it here at decade’s end I would reprint a review I
did when the book first appeared in the late ’90s. I’ve changed very little, and
trust this long review will convince you that this is a book worth having, a
book worth reading and re-reading, a book worth working on, discussing, and

It’s a good, long review which I hope you’ll read over at the November ’09 monthly column.

Satan writes Pat Robertson a Letter

I know I usually do book reviews but this piece about Robertson’s latest gaffe is too good not to post.  It has some literary references, after all.  Plus both Luther and Lewis commend mockery to push back the Devil.  Sorry about the biting ending. What do you think?

Published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Dear Pat Robertson,

I know that you know that all press is good press,
so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean
bully who kicks people when they are down, so I’m all over that action.

But when you say that Haiti has made a pact with me, it is
totally humiliating. I may be evil incarnate, but I’m no welcher. The
way you put it, making a deal with me leaves folks desperate and

Sure, in the afterlife, but when I strike bargains with
people, they first get something here on earth — glamour, beauty,
talent, wealth, fame, glory, a golden fiddle. Those Haitians have
nothing, and I mean nothing. And that was before the earthquake.
Haven’t you seen “Crossroads”? Or “Damn Yankees”?

If I had a thing going with Haiti, there’d be lots of
banks, skyscrapers, SUVs, exclusive night clubs, Botox — that kind of
thing. An 80 percent poverty rate is so not my style. Nothing against
it — I’m just saying: Not how I roll.

You’re doing great work,
Pat, and I don’t want to clip your wings — just, come on, you’re
making me look bad. And not the good kind of bad. Keep blaming God.
That’s working. But leave me out of it, please. Or we may need to
renegotiate your own contract.

Best, Satan

Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Kent Annan on Haiti, a new hymn and a song by Arcade Fire

A few days ago I was displaying a large spread of books among a mission-minded, justice-seeking, group of energetic, evangelical folks.  Per usual, I was given the chance to highlight some books in the crazy-talkin’ book blitz announcements I do.  That week I had begun to read the very moving collection of stories about Haiti, Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Living Fully, Loving Dangerously by Kent Annan (IVP; $16.00.)  I chose not to push this book amidst my other book plugs because I did not want to appear as if I was trying to sell books at the expense of the horrific tragedy unfolding on the news that very day.  That one good friend, sitting near me, there, himself was from Haiti, and had a brother missing (pray for him, please), again, made me fall silent about this fabulous book.

I am wondering, however, if my sensitive conscience did not serve the community well that day. Maybe I should have highlighted Annan’s book.  Subsequently, I’ve been asked “what is the best book on Haiti” and “are there resources on knowing what to do to respond to such an international crisis?”

Well, there is plenty of stuff on line. (What did you think of the David Brooks piece in the New York Times about cultural change?)  We could recommend some fascinating historical studiesAnnon big.jpg of the colonialism, despotism and poverty of that troubled land, and there are memoirs that capture much, such as the award winning  Brother I’m Dying by Edwidge Danticat.  Perhaps it is important to study a bit, even now as we pray and fret and give.  Many of us know people in Haiti, and some BookNotes readers have gone there on short term mission projects.  In the months and years to come, we will be called upon to think through strategies and policies for church and state.  It doesn’t hurt to be thinking about that, now.

And so, here it is: Kent Annon’s brand new book is incredibly powerful, including challenging Biblical reflections and tons of stories gathered as codirector of Haiti Partners.  We mentioned it when it first came out last month, and we respect and trust his work.  As the title suggests, it isn’t just about Haiti, though, but a reflection to all of us about Godliness and service, about love and hope. You may recall that we’ve promoted the provocative and creatively-written books about urban ministry by Greg Paul (God in the Alley and Twenty-piece Shuffle.)  Of Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle he says, “Kent takes the reader on a ride through the hot spots of both this world and the individual’s soul.  By turns wrenching and funny, and always honest, his own story puts an unerring finger on that difficult place where a questioning mind and an open heart meet.”   There are no platitudes here, and he is a raw and honest writer, giving us a very good read.  Mostly, though, it is about his journey to the island culture and the poverty and joys of  work in Haiti. And what it all means about our own commitments to live with passion and risk and hope.  Highly recommended. 

Haiti Partners can be found, here.

I listened to two songs this morning, one which we sang in church, one which we listened to on my daughter’s ipod on the way home.  The first was a brand new hymn lyric written by my friend Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, who has two songbooks (Songs of Grace and Gifts of Love) that we sell which are full of such custom-made song-writing for special occasions, often with an eye to God’s call to do justice and serve others.  You can find read or listen to her song “In Haiti There is Anguish” (to be sung to the tune of “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” )here. (Others of her songs are at the Church World Service website, available for free.  Interestingly, Carolyn gained a great concern for the poor and global missions while going on a short term mission trip to Haiti years ago when she was a college student.)  If you are involved in helping craft litanies or liturgical experiences around disaster relief, here is a page that is jam-packed full of links, pages, and resources from across our denominational landscapes, prayers, artwork, songs and more. 

After worship, Marissa and I listened to the understated song Haiti, by the unusually thoughtful alt- rock group, Arcade Fire. (Their singer Regine Chassagne has a Haitian background, and sings of the atrocities others experienced under Duvalier.)  Watch this nicely done colorful YouTube video of the song, with lovely footage from Haiti.  It is an allusive piece, some of it sung in French. I recommend the passion of this live version, here, and the lyrics, here.

Carolyn’s hymn and a rock ballad. Different musical styles and themes, both helpful to encourage us on the journey of these trying days.  Listen, and pray, study and learn.

arcade fire.jpg  Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street  Dallastown, PA  17313     717.246.3333


and the winner is.jpgtrophy.jpgbooks open and stacked.jpg

Part one?  Yep, this baby is big. 

We’ve listed some categories—trying to be just a tad clever, but nothing over the top—and named our choices for the best of the best.  Best Books, Most Important, Best Contribution to Theology, Best of Social Concerns, we’ve named awards for everything from memoir to worldview studies to church life to one that was mediocre but I still wanted to honor, so we made up that category.  Of course these are highly subjective, and merely the—ahem–odd opinions of this old bookseller (I hope the author doesn’t mind the back-handed compliment.)  I am sure you’ll find some titles that I am sure you’ve heard of and will agree deserve commendation, and I suspect you’ll be surprised to find a few new gems.  We know our little bookstore and blog doesn’t get any press and these poor authors sure don’t gain anything from our hoorays, such as they are.  But we want to name them.  We hope you enjoy seeing our choices. 

PART TWO is being lovingly proof-read by the lovely Beth, my partner-in-crime in this ceremonial listing.  Look for that next week, Lord willing.

Wish we had a Hollywood red carpet and some glitzy ballroom in which to do our announcing. These authors, editors, and publishers deserve all the honor we can offer.  These may be hard days for booksellers and we all wonder about the future of print, the habits of our heart and mind these days among our people, and how the discipline of reading may or may not fare in the days ahead, even in the church.  But these are tremendous days for religious publishing, and we are proud to give some attention to those we have most loved and most appreciated in the year of our Lord, 2009. 



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any book listed
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Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street Dallastown, PA 17313      717-246-3333



Well, friends, welcome back from the awards show intermission. We hope you
had a good stretch. Thank your seat fillers, and settle in for the second part
of our 2009 ceremony. It will be an exciting time, without commercial breaks. We
think you will enjoy it. Thanks for joining us for the remainder of our
celebration. Let’s bring on the dignitaries, and break out the award medals.
Figuratively speaking, that is.


Every year there are many good books on books on writing, on words, and on
the meaning of language. This year, there were three that stood out, one a
sure-fire award winner, and two honorable mentions.

Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
(Eerdmans) $18.00 Talk about a wonderful, elegant book! This is beautifully
written, very inspiring, truly thought-provoking, deeply faithful to the
Christian tradition, and yet readable by nearly anyone with an eye for good
writing and decent values. Yes, she frets about things: “Like any
life-sustaining resource,” she writes, “language can be depleted, polluted,
contaminated, eroded, and filled with artificial stimulants.” And she is wise
and right to remind us of the dangers of the mis-use of words, speech, language.
This isn’t a jeremiad, but rather a lovely rumination, especially on the written
word. What else would you expect from a renowned Christian poet? One of the best
books of this or any year.

The Power of Words and the Wonder of God John Piper, Justin Taylor,
editors (Crossway) $15.99 Yes, there is a dramatic cover with an allusion to the
blood of Christ, and they do make the firmly evangelical connection between our
speech and the glory of an exalted God who is savior and redeemer. Yet, this is
more than a call to be clear about faith, to proclaim with grace and wonder the
good mercies of God. This book includes wise counsel about communication with
others (Ted Tripp) about the glory of stories (Daniel Taylor, in a truly
wonderful essay), words that we sing (reflections on hymnody by Bob Kauffman),
stuff on cutting words (Mark Driscoll), and an interesting panel discussion with
some give and take between the preachers, poets, and writers. Scottish
theologian Sinclair Ferguson’s solid exegesis of James 3:1-12 illustrates that
these folks mean business relating Biblical teaching to this matter of our

In The Beginning Was the Word: Language, A God-Centered Approach Vern
Poythress (Crossway) $25.00 Is it fair to give an honorable mention to a book I
neither finished nor fully understood? Oh yes it is and here’s why: I know
enough to know that this is absolutely brilliant. In my college years, as a
speech and language therapy major, I followed some of the debates arising over
the seminal work of the linguist, Noam Chomsky, now more known for his left-wing
politics, but still a professor of linguistics at Harvard. Asking how the human
brain works, where language comes from, how a theistic worldview affects our
presuppositions about deep and thorny topics in disciplines like
linguistics–these are the very kinds of research questions every academic
discipline needs. For a conservative Calvinist thinker to engage this topic with
such seriousness is a gift indeed. It seems to me that this is a fascinating
inter-disciplinary work, not just a study of linguistics, but a theological and
Biblical study as well. Some reviewers have suggested that understanding this
will enable us to more deeply understand the Triune God of the Bible. In a world
where even the possibility of meaningful communication is derided, this work is
a blessing.


Rouault, Fujimura: Soliloquies Thomas S. Hibbes, Makoto Fujimura
(Square Halo Books) $19.99

I admit that I am not well aware of the biggest things happening in our
world. Although I am a moderately interested observer, I will quickly admit I’m
pretty ill informed about the most important occurrences in the world of serious
high art. I’m sure there were modern art exhibits in London and treasures
uncovered in Vienna and extraordinary new installations in Santa Fe that I know
nothing about. Still, I want to celebrate that we were the first bookstore to
acquire a book that coincided with one of the truly great art exhibits of 2010.
I know enough to be confident of this event’s importance.

Our friends at the ever-resourceful Square Halo Books published a beautiful
little paperback with artwork of the famed French impressionist, George Rouault,
and the contemporary New York abstract painter, Makoto Fujimura. A troubled
Catholic and a serene Calvinist; early 20th century European and
early 21st century New Yorker; the differences between these two painters are
evident. But what is extraordinary is their similarities, their over-lapping
influences and common visions. As we described at BookNotes when
Soliloquies was released, the book includes a smart piece by
Fujimura, and an extended essay by art critic Thomas Hibbes. Most delightfully,
Soliloquies includes some previously unshown work of Rouault, and
some new work, inspired by Rouault, by Mr. Fujimura. This beautifully designed
book is the text that accompanied the historic showing at The Dillon Gallery in
New York last fall. We celebrated it then, reviewed in carefully (, and now remind you that our shop is one of the very few places to get
it, a service we are thrilled to provide, worldwide. This was, indeed, a
successful exhibition (can you imagine getting rare works from the Rouault
estate into New York on a small budget?) This classy project was a labor of
love, as the best labor always is. So was the design and publication of the
book. I wish we had a true gold medal to award this fine little work. I wish we
could have the project heralded far and wide. I wish Square Halo and Mako all
the best. Congratulations on our little award, this affirmation that
Soliloquies is truly a historic release, one of the most important
books of the past year. May critics and patrons more important than us take


I’m being a bit sneaky, since I awarded a theology Book of the Year
previously (in Part One.) I’m calling this category “The History of Theology”
showing that it is less about theology, per se, and more about
intellectual history. Anyway, how could I not give a proper hat-tip to our man
Alister McGrath, one of the smartest guys, and most prolific theological
scholars, on the planet? He’s a fine gentleman, very British, and you should
read his books. Especially this one. It may seem a tad arcane, but it is not.

Heresy: A History of Defending the Truth Alister McGrath (HarperOne)
$24.99 This was released late in the year, allowing it to be added to our
late-in-coming awards list. Of course, he doesn’t need our puny
publicity; he is, as we’ve noted, an esteemed and prolific writer. He does what
we think is just fabulous: a very solid thinker, who has written laudably for
the guild, translates his or her academic work into ordinary prose that any
interested reader can appreciate. And, further, when an evangelical thinker who
stands firmly within historic Christian orthodoxy is utterly fluent and friendly
to everyone across the theological spectrum, that, too, is a beauty to behold.
In this fascinating work, Dr. McGrath (he has degrees in both science and
theology) surveys the meaning of the notion of heresy, and gives a helpful and
interesting overview of the major controversies throughout church history. Some
have studied theology in this way, and it is a great way to both appreciate
church history and a way to learn what doctrines are essential and what
orthodoxy means.

Justo Gonzalez (the author of the excellent two volume The Story of
and the briefer Essential Guide to Church History) says,
“Not only a riveting story of ancient controversies, but also a much-needed and
timely correction to the commonly-held notion that heretics were mostly free
thinkers who challenged a narrow and closed orthodoxy.” Another feature of this
fine work is the spiritual reflection on the very attraction we have to heresy,
to the nature of the human soul that too often craves invention and illusion,
over truth. Dallas Willard applauds it for just this: “…helps us understand what
heresy is and why it exercises a powerful attraction upon the human mind…full of
illuminating insights into the motivations that lead people to adopt heresy as a
style of life and a personal demeanor.” Three cheers!


We are happy to bestow an award for another book of history, a book I have so
enjoyed dipping in to, even when I have reason to think some chapters may,
themselves, not be the final word on a subject. Of course any contemporary
telling of any historical tale is biased, and the worldview and assumptions of
the authors color how they see things. And this is part of the fun of this
brilliant book. Great intellectual history, offering insights about the faith
and science conversation.

Galileo Goes to Jail: And Other Myths About Science and Religion
edited by Ronald Numbers (Harvard University Press) $27.95 My goodness
did I learn a lot by perusing these interesting chapters. Numbers is well known
as a historian of the faith and science controversies (having won several
prestigious awards, especially for his meticulous history, The
.) I am not so sure that this book settles everything, and it
would be fascinating to hear rebuttals to these myth-breakers. Still, we are
happy to award a book that offers such balance, and so many authors, writing in
ways that are helpful and illuminating. Did the medieval church suppress the
growth of science? Did Rene Descartes originate the mind/body distinction? Is it
true, as is often reported, that Huxley defeated Wilberforce in their debate
over evolution and religion? Or that the church denounced anesthesia in
childbirth on Biblical grounds? How about Myth # 16: “That Evolution Destroyed
Darwin’s Faith in Christianity—Until He Reconverted on His Deathbed.” Or, the
one about Einstein believing in a personal God? One chapter explores why it is
wrong to say that “Modern Science Has Secularized Western Culture.” On and on
they go, doing their best to expose myths, explain the truth, bring clarity to
the conversations, counter dis-information. Interestingly, some of these
truth-tellers seem to be frustrated with how some in the conservative faith
community have spun things; others are exposing the falsehoods perpetrated as
part of a secular party line. In all cases, they are trying to bring insight and
clarity and do so with historical explanations and much good writing. Our friend
Ed Davis, who does extraordinary work fostering these kinds of healthy and fair
conversations here in Central Pennsylvania (and who teaches at Messiah College)
has a chapter, too, which is quite an honor for him. The myth he tries to
clarify? “That Isaac Newton’s Mechanistic Cosmology Eliminated the Need for


All Marketers Tell Stories Seth Godin (Portfolio) $23.95 I really
enjoy Seth Godin, even if some of the time I have little idea what he’s talking
about—purple cows, meatball Sundays, idea viruses. Well, actually, I get that
part–be extraordinary, do something memorable, change your world, form networks
of friends who believe in what you’re doing, go viral, shake it up. When he
starts talking about start-ups of high tech services, and prototypes-types and
whatzits, and how easy it is to connect with everybody anywhere on line, I roll
my eyes. I just don’t get out much, I admit. Okay, nonetheless, hipster, upscale
iPad-toting business geek or not, this guy is important to follow, and
inspiring. I think most H&M fans will appreciate him. And this one is the
one of his I’ve enjoyed the most. It’s winner.

There is a bit of a story, too. The short version is that the first edition
was called All Marketers Are Liars. That is, they tell stories, and the
listeners determine if it is true for them. Serious epistemology aside, we know
this is true. If some high-end wine glass manufacturer convinces high-end wine
drinkers that their custom-made glass makes the wine taste better, it really
will. Those tasters really do have a better experience, and they are passionate
about it, so skip the science, and let the folks enjoy their better-tasting wine
in the (storied) new glass. The change – a real change, Seth insists – in the
experience doesn’t come from the data about the glass, it comes from the
perception, which comes from a story. Framing details by a
meta-narrative is the way to do evangelism – whether for a business, a product,
or a movement. He’s right, and I’m in.

Well, when the lying line backfired (or was that part of the plan all along,
a part of his own story?) the publisher re-launched a new version of the book
with the phrase “Are Liars” scribbled out with a Sharpie and “Tell Stories”
scribbled overtop. The new preface (about the irony of Seth not telling his
story very well, with this unfortunate word choice for the title) is itself
really quite fabulous. The heart of the book explores in fun detail this notion
that the most successful businesses are those that know, dream, live, are
passionate about, and do a good job communicating their story – and this is a
lesson for nearly all of us. From small businesses to non-profits, from
idea-entrepreneurs to pastors and ministry leaders, duking it out over who is
most right (or the cheapest for the mass market) is the way of the
not-so-successful past. The way of today, the way of fruitfulness and lasting
impact, he insists, is to tell the better story. And to invite people into that

Godin reminded me of things Beth and I used to say to each other (and anybody
that cared to listen) 30 years ago as we dreamed up this third place of books
and friendship, ideas and God, culture and social change, reading
Biblically-informed stuff together with friends of all sorts. Our story led us
to create this place, and our books are part of the story. Our good staff are
part of that story, as is our extended family and our very best friends. Our
readers and supporters and network of authors and book-buyers are the heart of
it, especially as they/we grow and learn about the reign of God in our lives,
and work for social renewal, inspired by the ideas generated by the books we’ve
read. The sales and profits are clearly not the point (what a bland story that
would be.) This is stuff we intuited when we chose not to put our inventory on
line, but instead invited people to chat with us – old school small-town
businessy relationships on line, resisting the false gods of efficiency, speed
and the reductionism of the faceless movement of units of product. That’s part
of our story, but we don’t tell it very well. And I spend more time complaining
about amazon (even in a note to Mr. Godin, who nicely wrote back a firm reply)
than I do saying and showing why we have a storied thing going on here.

So this book got me thinking, oddly, or maybe not so oddly, about another
“Book of the Year” selection, Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand
In it, Miller describes a fabulous guy named Bob Goff who, in ways
that are hilarious and crazy and world-changing (uh, like becoming a judge in
Uganda in order to expedite justice in that forlorn land), teaches Miller that
the point is not just to tell a better story, but to invite people into a better
story. This marketing book with the odd title change reminded me of all that.

I think it deserves some little award from our corner of the Internet,
celebrating it as one of the year’s best books in this genre, in a year where
there were oodles of just such stuff. (New Community Rules: Marketing on the
Social Web
or Viral Loop: From Facebook to Twitter, How Today’s Smartest
Businesses Grow Themselves
, etcetera, etcetera.) All Marketers Tell
has this on the front cover: “The Underground Classic That
Explains How Marketing Really Works – And Why Authenticity is the Best Marketing
of All.” I’m not sure how authentic the “underground classic” line is, but I
trust this straight-shooting genius who is willing to take some risks, and may
be one of the most celebrated business speakers of our generation. He’s already
got an action figure of himself. Now he has an award from Hearts & Minds.
What a story!


This is a no-brainer for us, and I will be honest. Beth and I read this
massive volume in a pre-pub edition because we were interviewed by the author as
he was researching it. It is a major volume, named by lots of prestigious
sources (New York Times, Wall Street Journal and so forth) as one of the
best books of the Summer of ’09. We’ve followed the author’s research, played a
small hand in helping him around our town as he was writing a portion of the
book here, and the bookstore is mentioned in passing. Of course we were
intrigued, and it was fun to see friends’ names in print in a prestigious
serious hardback. Because of our interest in the topic, we were eager to learn
more, and we loved every page of it. However it could have been a flop. I would
not award it if it didn’t deserve the honor. It deserves much, much more than
our feeble applause. And it has gotten, it, too. This is certainly one of our
favorite books of the year!

The Snakehead: An Epic Tale of the China Underworld and the American Dream
Patrick Radden Keefe (Random House) $27.50 This was one of the
surprisingly much-discussed books in the policy world of think tanks and pundits
this year, and it gained a following among all sorts of folks. The
brilliant young author deserves all the acclaim he has received. This is a
riveting and magisterial work on the Chinese crime underground, the massive web
of human smuggling, and the grand human rights efforts offered here in York PA,
when a group of Chinese immigrants were detained in York County Prison for years
on end in the 1990s. The book chronicles the harrowing journey of Chinese
immigrants on the decrepit ship, the Golden Venture, which, after months
at sea, finally ran aground in New York. The passengers were arrested and were
dispatched to the prison here in York PA. I reviewed this book in the summer
when it came out, and we celebrated the book launch with our friends from the
Golden Vision support group, and some of the Chinese guys from the GV
ship. This is an amazing book, an amazing story and we are honored to know
first-hand much of a portion of it. Go back and read our full review, follow the
link to the author’s video clip, and you will want to pick up this complex and
well-written book. It is a page-turner of a read which combines the thrill of
true crime, the insight of social and cultural history, the inspiration of an
overcoming-the-odds adventure story, and the faith-based advocacy of creating a
world of care and justice for all. Wow.


Ignore history and you’re doomed to repeat it. We’ve all heard the statement,
but it hasn’t compelled our customers to buy many history books, which is a
shame. History is important. Nearly all of the best intellects, leaders, and
preachers I know recommend dipping into the past and they regularly cite history
books. There are so many good ones (and, around here, near Gettysburg, there is
a solid cottage industry of books about that infamous battle and about Abraham
Lincoln, many of which earn prestigious awards. We should be proud. Avoiding
Lincoln, though, here are a few we feel deserve some accolades. I will name a
few that I have not read fully, but that I know deserve mention—there have
been some truly exceptional works published this year. Hang on ’til the bottom
of this section, and we’ll announce the most popular among our customers, in
that sense, truly the best of the year.

The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the
Tom Holland (Doubleday) $30.00 I think I discovered Holland late,
when I was preparing for a book display not long ago about Greco-Roman culture,
and learned about his altogether excellent, exciting, important, Rubicon.
I realized he is highly regarded as a very trustworthy scholar (with degrees
from Cambridge and Oxford) and yet writes with verve and panache. Here he
explores the meaning of the 11th century: yes, the year 1000. As the
British Evening Standard put it, Forge of Christendom is “a
superb, fascinating, and erudite medieval banquet of slaughter, sanctity, and
sex, filled with emperors, whores, and monks.” And people don’t want to read
this stuff? Upon being awarded a scholarly prize in England, the Daily
wrote “In the year 1000, Western Europe was no more than a primitive
and fearful region in the shadow of Byzsantium and Islam. Yet as Tom Holland
demonstrates in this fascinating history it was also the crucible of the
creation of the Europe we know today.” Another reviewer writes,

As if in defiance of all those humanists who condemn or, worse, patronize the
early Middle Ages, Tom Holland shows a humble and humbling insight into the
agonies and complexities of that time…As a stirring, vivid, and formidably
learned analysis of the events surrounding the millennium, this will hardly be
equaled. Extraordinary insights and lapidary phrases abound.

And I don’t even know what lapidary phrases are. Still, we want to honor

Five Cities That Ruled the World: How Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, and
New York Shaped Global History
Douglas Wilson (Nelson)
$14.99 What a great idea this is, and how very useful! This offers for the lay
reader a long chapter overview of each of five main cities in the history of the
West, and what each contributed to the unfolding of our civilization. I am not
astute enough to know if I agreed with all of these grand claims, and the author
himself admits that such a project is an interpretative leap; no one city can be
so pigeon-holed, of course, so his method may be madness. Still, I loved it,
learned a bit, was thrilled with the way the author did make a good case
for each strength offered by each good city. As for his angle, it is wonderful
to see an obvious Christian doing thoughtful history, celebrating the good, the
bad, and the ugly, knowing God desires us to attend to the realities of the real
world. Nothing super-spiritual or sanctimonious about this at all.

is a summary, from the back jacket:

You’ll discover the significance

  • Jerusalem’s complex history and its deep-rooted character as the city of
    freedom, where people found their spiritual liberty.

  • Athens’s intellectual influence as the city of reason and the birthplace of

  • Rome’s evolution as the city of law and justice and the freedoms and
    limitations that come with liberty.

  • London’s place in the world’s history as the city of literature where man’s
    literary imagination found its wings.

  • New York’s rise to global fame as the city of commerce and how it triggered
    unmatched wealth, industry, and trade throughout the world.

Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 Gordon
Wood (Oxford University Press) $35.00 At 750+ pages, this magisterial text is
considered, by those in the know, to be one of the finest such works ever done.
The series of which it is a part, “The Oxford History of the United States,” is
unsurpassed. Publisher’s Weekly, in a starred review of Empire…
declared, it to be “A triumph of the historian’s art.” Another reviewer
noted that Wood’s “pitch perfect erudition is legendary.” There is little doubt
that Professor Wood is the preeminent scholar of the American founding for our
day and perhaps of all time. This is one of his luminous, crowing

The American Future: A History Simon Schama (Ecco) $29.99 Schama has
earned many awards, not the least of which is the National Book Critics Circle
Award for Rough Crossings. I happened upon the PBS documentary he did on
art and immediately rushed to order the book for our shop—it is a large-sized
companion to the DVD, but a rich, insightful, fascinating study of art works and
what they tell us about history. I knew, then, that he is a master storyteller,
and promised I would become more familiar with his work. This new release is a
bit of popular analysis of the modern culture wars and, as the dust jacket says
rather glibly, “Schama looks back to see more clearly into the future.” By
“looking back” he offers visions and voices to help us with four multiple crises
besetting the United States, musing on “how these problems look in the mirror of
time.” He explores the matters of war, religion, race (and immigration) and the
relationship between natural resources and prosperity.

This blurb from The Financial Times may not endear all BookNotes
readers to Mr. Schama, but it is fun to quote:

Only now…has Kerouac found a worthy heir. Yet this road trip is also an
inspiring and illuminating work of history, a reflection on the essence of
America with a bedrock of deep knowledge behind the bebop prose…The author’s
genius lies in the way he uses micro-historical, human-scale narratives to make
his big analytical points. I hope Obama will have this book on his bedside
table. A more inspiring evocation of the spirit of liberal America—past,
present, and future—does not exist.

Forgotten Founder, Drunken Prophet: The Life of Luther Martin Bill
Kauffman (ISI Books) $25.00 Sometimes I say I will read anything by a given
author of whom I’m fond, and Bill Kauffman has been on that short list. He’s
something like a “crunchy con” and as an anti-war conservative and “front-porch
radical” he seems part Wendell Berry and part Dorothy Day, a bit of a
hell-raiser, with down-home values of care and earnest patriotism of the sort
that wants big government (and big anything) out of his beloved neighborhood.
Whether it is his book about coaching little league, or his anthology of
like-minded localist anarchists, I truly recommend his work. I so love this
guy’s wild prose with an attitude, and think he’s nearly right. So when a new
book came along – about one of the more colorful voices in the drafting of the
Articles of the Confederation, and the Constitutional debates, a guy I never
heard of (thank you very much – I was, shall we say, under-committed and less
than thrilled. Yet, I have said I will read all Bill’s books, so by golly, read
it I did. What a weird and interesting and somehow important little story, this
verbose, Maryland prophet against big government. If you’ve watched the
outstanding John Adams DVDs (or, better, read the big book) you may have
had a glimpse of the Jeffersonian angst against big money aligned with big
power. Brother Kauffman loves the Anti-Federalist tradition, and tells us all
about one of America’s biggest losers, Luther Martin, and his futile work
against the Philadelphia Constitution. Wow. I don’t know how to honor this, with
what sort of award. “Best book about an unknown drunk who had a peculiar name
and even more peculiar political philosophy, told by a modern-day character
himself who shows that the gracious curmudgeon was maybe almost right?” “Best
Book You Most Likely Never Heard Of Award?” How about “A Solid Thank You to
Clever Writer and Regular Guy Bill Kauffman for Once Again Bring Sanity to This
Power-Crazy World Through a Detailed Work of Mostly Untold History”?

It Happened in Italy Elizabeth Bettina (Nelson) $24.99 When a new
author with a degree from Smith shows up, telling moving stories of how untold
numbers of good folks in Italy defied the horrors of the holocaust, resisting
Hitler by saving Jews, one ought to pay attention. Kudos to Nelson for
publishing this admittedly obscure bit of 1940s research. Some of you no doubt
adore what is one of my all time favorite books, Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed:
Le Chabon and How Goodness Happened There
, and if so, this is a similar sort
of book. Granted, it would be a rare work that matched Lest Innocent
… for sheer beauty and narrative force; this book, though, has merit in
its simple clarity, in the tale Ms Bettina tells as she uncovers these untold
stories from her home town. One can dip in to this at nearly any point and be
immediately intrigued and surely moved. From sleuthing down the narrow
cobblestone streets of Campagna, Italy, to her Park Avenue private audience with
Pope Benedict, this story unfolds in breezy fashion, almost belying the horrific
background of her discoveries.

This surely deserves acclaim not only for her own dogged exploration, but for
bringing to light resistance to oppression in a part of the world that we often
do not associate with Nazi repression. May she be blessed.

1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the
Gavin Menzies (William Morrow) $26.95 I don’t know if this
is award-winning caliber, but it deserves a Hearts & Minds honor because it
is surely one of the books we talked about most this past year. Beth read his
previous 1421 this summer and truly could not put it down. She
would exclaim something remarkable every few moments for days as she zoomed
through this story of Chinese navigation. Menzies makes it undeniably clear that
the Chinese visited both the East and West coasts of North America long before
any Europeans did–as early as 1423, when the great Chinese navigator Admiral
Zheng He circumnavigated the globe. (The Chinese had discovered longitude and
latitude, and had accurate clocks, enabling them to map most of the world;
their excessive flotillas sent to the seven seas recorded copious notes, and
their interaction with indigenous peoples in Africa, South and North America are
very well documented. They arrived in Florence and met with Pope Eugenius IV,
leaving behind a mass of knowledge, including maps, astronomy, mathematics, art,
architecture, and printing!) Because it was brand new to us, 1421
was, admittedly, more exciting, but 1434 has its payload
of surprises, too. (Did you know that in 1490 Leonardo da Vinci studied a series
of Florentine drawings of machines and engineering that may have been copied
from the “Nung Shu” which was a Chinese treatise printed in 1313? And that
Columbus himself had been given (in the 1480s) a map of the Americas by Paolo
Toscanelli, who admitted that it had been gleaned from the “great men of
learning” who had come to Florence from China in 1934? World maps appeared, says
Menzies, including geography that no European had ever seen (like the Strait of
Magellan), in the early 1500s. Yep, they got ’em from the Chinese back in 1434.
This good sequel to a fantastic previous book deserves mention. Award for most
provocative, most fun, most discussed history book in our household in years.
Thanks for reminding us of the joy of learning, the thrill of

The Search for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer That Changed the
Stephen Mansfield (Nelson) $24.99 This started out on a whim, as
historian Stephen Mansfield was tired and frustrated after being hammered for
having done two consecutive biographies, one called The Faith of George W.
and another called The Faith of Barack Obama. As former pastor
and Bible teacher, this trained historian and journalist had been doing
political research for years, and wanted to refresh himself with a quirky, small
project. Little did he know just how amazing the legendary Arthur Guinness and
family is, and how remarkable the Guinness corporation. From impeccable
manufacturing of quality products to serious involvement in creative
philanthrophy, from generous commitments to workers to generous investment in
world missions, this rare brew of a book tells it all, very, very nicely. As one
reviewer noted, “Mansfield makes a quietly serious case for the essential role
that faith has played not only in the Guinnessses’ success but also in the
evolution of democratic capitalism.” Eric Metaxes (author of a definitive book
on Wilberforce, and a forthcoming book which will surely be definitive on
Bonhoeffer) writes that it is “frothy, delicious, intoxicating, and
nutritious!…an absolute inspiration.”

Yes, you guessed it—a clink of the steins and a “bottoms up” to you if you
did. This is our winner for most popular history book, in our store this year.
In deed, maybe in 20 years. God. Guinness. It’s a winner in any category.
Congratulations to Mr. Mansfield, and kudos to Thomas Nelson for braving the
criticism in religious publishing for daring to do a book on beer.


My, my, what a complicated topic, what a rich field from which to choose, and
what a subject matter, finding books that deserve special accolades because they
are sure to deepen nearly any reader’s soul. We have many to celebrate, and we
review them here with some regularity. After much prayer and discernment (I’m
joking) I have concluded that we need to honor a few very special books this
year. Serious writers about Godly spirituality wouldn’t be proud, though, so
they really don’t care. The rest of us should.

Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion Richard Foster
& Gayle Beebe (IVP) $25.00 This may not glow in warm prose the way the
writing of some writers of the inner life does, but it is solid, helpful,
important. There are few resources that bring together such a nicely wide
diverse group of mature Christian writers, and here, Foster and Beebe share the
stories of many guides and pilgrims who have come before us. Each of the seven
paths is illustrated by the brief bibliographies of key writers or thinkers who
have much to teach us about that path. So, for instance, we learn about
Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux and Pascal in a conversation about the right
ordering of our love for God. On recovering true knowledge of God (in a fallen
world) we hear from Aquinas, Luther, Calvin. Some authors are less known
(Benedict of Nursia, Gregory the Great) and others most have heard of, but
perhaps never read (Julian of Norwhich, George Fox, Thomas a Kempis.) With
chapters on our experiences of God, the relationship of action and
contemplation, and intimacy with Jesus Christ, and more, there is enough good
stuff here to last a year. One can learn about great saints of the past, learn
about the rise and history of various ways of devotion and discipleship,
and–their ultimate reason for writing–can learn from these practices to come to
know God more deeply (and serve Christ more faithfully.) Take up and read.

Picturing the Face of Jesus: Encountering Christ Through Art Beth
Booram (Abingdon) $14.00 This is a quiet little book, brief, plain, released
without any big roll out or PR campaign. I was immediately drawn to the simple
idea – using classic reproductions of 8 artists who have painted their
imaginations of Jesus – and using this as a devotional guide. Many have loved
(and we are glad there is a paperback re-issue) Frederick Buechner’s
Faces of Jesus, although his is a theological, writerly
rumination. Booram’s book is truly a handbook for one’s devotions, a touching
book to draw you closer to the Master (complete with verses to look up, journal
questions, and such.) Of course there are full color plates of the paintings she
uses. Carol Kent notes that it is “unlike any book you have read on Christ.
Through the poignant use of imagery, biblical storytelling, and visionary
prayer, Beth Booram brings the character of the Savior into clear focus.” I
liked her earlier book, The Wide-Open Spaces of God which tells of using
various geographic settings for spiritual reflection. She actually sets up these
“places” in the workshops and retreats she does, inviting people into these
different holy grounds. Here, she uses art to point us to Jesus, and we want to
honor her with our little affirmation. Well done, good and faithful

The Sacred Meal Nora Gallagher (Nelson) $24.95 This was an autumn
release in the ongoing “Ancient Practices” series. We have read them all, and
speak highly of each, each in its own way. This, however, is the best yet, and
deserves to be considered one of the standard books in the field, a lovely and
touching and insightful work. Here is what the always-astute Lauren Winner says:
“Nora Gallagher is a writer I’d follow anywhere, but is a particular thrill to
follow her to the Lord’s table. I know of no contemporary writer whose insights
about the Eucharist match hers.” Rousingly endorsed by wordsmith and Episcopal
priest Barbara Brown Taylor, it is clear that this is a book about which you
should know, a book we should be enjoying, discussing, and from which we should
be learning. We are happy to honor it as one of the best religious books of the

Holy Available and Pure Pleasure Gary Thomas
(Zondervan) $14.99 each The first is a reprint of an earlier book I adored,
The Beautiful Fight, which is all about becoming holy, allowing God’s
character to be formed in us. The other one Gary released this year is about
exactly what it sounds like–pleasure. It asks on the cover, as a sub-title,
“Why Do Christians Feel So Bad About Feeling Good?” Between these two books,
Thomas has used his joyful stories, his deep knowledge of the literature of
spiritual formation, and his evangelical passion to help ordinary people become
deeper, truer, more Christ-like and, finally, more human. A double-decker award
for him, an honor that, were he to ever hear about it, we hope would give him
some holy pleasure.

Great Prayers of the Old Testament Walter Brueggemann (WJK) $16.95 It
seems to me that any spirituality that claims to be Christian must, among other
things, attend to two important matters. Christian spirituality must be Biblical
(that is, grounded in the details of the text) and it must be earthy. That is,
it cannot be Gnostic, merely internal, private, super-spiritual, or overly
subjective. Other than the Biblical text, Christians have no inside knowledge of
the holy, but all can experience God as He is revealed in the pages of Holy
Scripture. Yes, the living Christ and the Holy Spirit abides, but our
understanding of this must be mediated by the Bible. And that Scripture is,
oddly, messy, complex, down-to-earth, and tells of pray-ers that were very, very
real. And so, we award a Hearts & Minds best book in the category of
spirituality to the esteemed Old Testament scholar Walt Brueggemann, who I once
heard preach up a storm from Isaiah on the holiness of God and end with a moving
excerpt from Grapes of Wrath. Bible and life, just like that. By studying
some of the prayers of particular chosen people, we can, today, come to grips
with a similar faithful encounter with God. Does it surprise you that he
includes laments, prayers that may seem untoward, and in the discussion
questions, invites us to similar authenticity as we reach towards what he calls
“Holy Mystery and Holy Ultimacy.”? Brueggemann on prayer. Thanks be to God.



Wow. Again, we are putting ourselves out there, trying to name one book that
stands out. Of course, there are many good ones and no one book alone can lead
anyone into pure and effective Christian living. Quite a few deserve special
commendation, but we are just listing one. Take a deep breath, offer a drum
roll, and get a little wild.

ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church Michael Frost &
Alan Hirsch (Hendrickson) $19.95 If you follow religious publishing at all, you
have heard of these two, known as leaders in the missional movement. Like Aussie
Blues Brothers, they are on A Mission From God, and it may cause some mayhem.
They’ve written a few books together, and they’ve each done a solo project. They
are back together again–imagine if Lennon and McCarthy did a joint project in
’74, at the top of their games. This is about the missional conversation, and
about Jesus, and about the Kingdom, and about social trends and big risks, and
serving the world in Christ-like ways. It is about how to (and, because it needs
to be said, why) “reinstate Jesus as the central focus of our spiritual lives –
both as individual disciples and as communities of His people.” They expose
distortion and misrepresentation, they offer a Christ-centered view of the
Biblical narrative, and they call us (theologically, and practically) to be
clear about the mission of God in Christ. One of the great pleasures of this
text is that it has some crazy-wild illustrations, it has a few side-bars
explaining folks they think we should know about (from Jean Vanier to William
Wilberforce to Dietrich Bonhoeffer) and there are even a few full-color pictures
to enjoy and ponder. (Spoiler alert: they criticize a few famous depictions of
Jesus, calling one a “bearded lady” Jesus.) There are just a few too many charts
for my taste, but some readers will love that they are citing poets and using
art and history, and then kick in to some teacherly outlines and very clear
summaries of their major points. This is a great book, and it could make a big
difference for anyone willing to rethink the nature of a whole-life
discipleship. It is worth having, worth being open to, worth talking about. I am
not sure how you say “hip hip hooray” in Australian, but these guys deserve more
than a goofy H&M Award. They deserve to be taken seriously, so Christ can be
exalted, not by pious talk, but by creating authentic communities that bear not
only His name and His image, but His very way of being.



Well, this is one of our bookstore’s strong suits, a category that is way too
broad, and with too many extraordinary winners. We have blogged long and hard
about social justice resources, about books that offer insight about the trends
of our time, about globalization and public theology. We hope that at the start
of a new year and a new decade, you might browse through our humble suggestions
of months past, and find resources that help you live lives of Christian service
“in, but not of” the world around us. Best book? Even the thought is a joke.
We’re glad that so many recent books are calling folks to action, to serve a
broken world. We rejoice in the great books, only wishing they’d supplant the
best-selling nonsense, the mean ones, the shallow ones. Please, stop complaining
about the diatribes (on Fox News or CNN or on Christian broadcasting) and get
some good books into local book groups. We can change the conversation, I think,
by sharing the better books, rather than complaining about the bad ones.

And so, an honorable mention or two, great titles to affirm with great

Christian America and the Kingdom of God Richard Hughes (Illinois
University Press) $29.95 I wish this were on a more popular publishing house,
but this is a prestigious one within the small world of academia. And I wish it
were not so expensive. Still, this is one of the best books of the year, a
remarkable study of this vexing matter of church and state, of Christ and
culture, of the uniquely American ways we’ve too often confused God and country.
No lesser scholar than sociologist Robert Bellah writes of it, “A powerful call
for truth in the muddled world that confuses Christianity and American
nationalism.” As Brian McLaren says in the forward, after describing his love
for our land, and his choking up singing about it, sometimes, “It’s easy to
demonize, and easy to lionize. In between comes the hard work of sober
judgement, and Richard Hughes is one of the best people alive to help us in this
national task.” As Dr. Hughes – a dear man if ever there was one – patiently
develops, the Kingdom of God means very certain things in the Bible, and it has
been applied in history in very peculiar ways. As a historian, he carefully
explores all this—I kept thinking of a famous book called The City of
that asks similar questions – in ways that are trenchant and
informative. Martin Marty says that it “is to be located in the fist rank of the
many newer debates regarding the nexus between religion and

And, while I’m celebrating this fine work, how about another
little award? I think this has about the best back jacket blurbs, certainly from
the widest array of scholars. He’s got raves from the late Howard Zinn, the
evangelical historian Mark Noll, mainline churchman Martin Marty, and the
recently acclaimed journalist and blogger, Diana Butler Bass.

Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community
Andrew Marin (IVP) $15.00 While at a very well known, conservative and
respected evangelical institution of higher learning, Marin had several good
friends come out of the closet, sharing with him that they had concluded they
were irrevocably homosexual. This rocked his conservative culture and theology,
and, as you can imagine, caused no little discomfort. Alas, to make a very long
and tenderly told story short, Marin started to do some research on the gay,
lesbian, and transgendered community, eventually creating what may be the best
research to date on religion in that community. More importantly, perhaps, he
and his wife moved into a predominantly GLBT neighborhood, learning to become
friends with those many consider outcasts from the church. As one reviewer put
it (David Roberts, of Ex-Gay Watch) Love Is an Orientation “is a book
unlike any other on the debate about homosexuality in the church. Marin
establishes a new starting place for us all – a definite must read.” We applaud
how he has attempted to elevate the conversation from “genetics to gospel” and
builds a bridge between evangelicals and GLBT communities. There are those who
are convinced that Christian faith puts them squarely on one side or another of
this controversy. I know we risk alienating both gay and straight customers and
friends by celebrating this book. Its heart, though, is clear: we must love, we
must talk, we must accept one another, despite deep and abiding differences in
what we believe faith demands. Most urgently, we must talk about the good news
of Christ Jesus. As Shane Claiborne puts it, this is “a fresh, gracious,
innovative voice in the dialogue.”

Here is an excerpt from the forward, which illustrates why we want to honor
it on our “best of the year” list.

When you come to the last page, Andrew won’t ask you to agree with his
opinions about the gay orientation or lifestyle. In fact, he won’t indulge in a
lot of opinion polemics. Instead, he will try to help you understand what he has
learned by listening with an open and compassionate heart to gay women and men.
And he will try to help you respond to gay people in your world in a more mature
and compassionate way, too. And in the end, he’ll ask you to agree with him on
one main thing: that the orientation and lifestyle of love is the right and only
way for true followers of Jesus.


Once again, there are several really, really fine books on race relations, on
faith-based work towards reconciliation and ethnic tensions. We have a large
selection, and read in this field pretty regularly. There are others we could
celebrate, but we want to affirm one for its groundbreaking insights and solid,
Christian perspective.

The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural
Soong-Chan Rah (IVP) $15.00 This stimulating and broad work
expands and builds upon the vital contributions about global Christianity coming
from the likes of Philip Jenkins, Lamin Sanneh, or the recent scholarly release
of Mark Noll. This author stands firmly among the evangelicals who have done
such good work on issues of racial reconciliation. IVP is to be applauded for
its long-standing efforts to publish such work. Still, unlike those who are
documenting the rise of faith in the global South and Far East, and the good
books about the multi-ethnic call of the gospel, this book seems aimed at those
of us in the white status quo of the American church, and it asks some rigorous
questions. Rah insists that the future is now. Just as global Christianity is
shifting away from the West to the South and East, so too is the North American
church diversifying in terms of race, ethnicity, and culture. How has
globalization’s shift to increased mobility and immigration affected local
churches in North America? How can we resist the cultural captivity that keeps
us from being able to change around issues of culture, class, and race? African
American leader John Perkins says it is “powerful, prophetic.” Harvey Cox of
Harvard Divinity School asserts that it is “the best and most balanced treatment
of the subject now available.”

I like Scot McKnight’s colorful endorsement: “The Next Evangelicalism
reminds me of July 4: there’s plenty to celebrate and there are fireworks going
off in all directions! Sit down, open this book, and get ready to duck.” For
this very reason – its celebration and it’s fireworks – we wish we could send up
some fireworks ourselves, celebrating God’s work in our midst, illustrated by
scholar-activists like this.

Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story and Where Do We Go
From Here? Chaos or Community
Martin Luther King (Beacon) $14.00 each
Sadly, and quite oddly, this first book of Rev. King, Stride Toward
has long been out of print. It is a riveting read about the
1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott, King’s rise to leadership in the church and the
movement, and remains one of my all time favorite books. His struggle with the
philosophy of non-violence, and the training of these early civil rights
protesters, makes for very instructive reading. It is a vital part of American
history, a grand moment in the history of the church, and a great example for
anyone wondering about how the church might involve itself in movements of
social change. The new introduction is by Clayborne Carson (who edited the
famous multi-volume collection of King’s papers). Happily, Beacon has also
reissued the last book written by King, again, one that is as urgent and vital
as when it was written in 1967. The brief forward that Coretta wrote – the book
was published shortly after his murder – remains, but this new edition has a
moving, poetic tribute by Vincent Harding, and has been released with a uniform
cover to match Stride… These may be marked “African American
Studies” in the category listing on the back, but they are much more than that.
If you have not read King, these two are excellent introductions to his work.



Seems to be a perennial topic, and there are many good ones from a variety of
authors, for all ages.

There are two that came out, from the same publisher, about the same time.
Both are deeply thoughtful, very much worth reading. Funny, these don’t sound
all that titillating, but for serious Christian ethics, they are very highly

The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life Dennis
Hollinger (Baker Academic) $19.99 I think this is an excellent book, carefully
considered, Biblical, wise, and rooted in conversations about a Christian
worldview, a way of being in the world that is faithful, and, as Richard Mouw
puts it, “a rare combination of theological-philosophical expertise, cultural
savvy, and pastoral sensitivity.” Our pal Walt Mueller of the Center for Parent
and Youth Understanding (CPYU) says, “I’ll be recommending it as a must-read for
all pastors, parents, youth worker, and young adults.” I might not expect
everyone to work through such a thoughtful study, but I do hope at least some
heed Walt’s call. We need to clarify “the meaning of sex” if we are going to go
beyond some of the debates and controversies. Highly recommended.

Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationships Beyond an Age of Individualism
Dale Kuehne (Baker Academic) $19.99 When University of Chicago political
science Prof. (and historian, and film buff) Jean Bethke Elshtain does a forward
to a book, you know it will be wise, serious, and important. We are thrilled at
the interdisciplinary, ecumenical – and, finally, very, very useful – nature of
this wide-ranging book. James W. Skillen, retired from his lifetime as director
of the Center for Public Justice writes, “Kuehne has done a remarkable thing in
this book. His concern is with human love, marriage, family, the care of
children, the unfolding generations, the quality of society and political
community, and the character of the church. Considered in a broad historical
framework and with sensitive Christian understanding, homosexuality and other
hotly disputed issues of our day become clearly illuminated. Take the time you
need to read and reflect on this book. The payback will be tremendous.” Ron
Sider (of Evangelicals for Social Action) says that it is a “very important book
– clarifying complex issues, jolting us out of complacency, and demanding
action.” Stanton Jones of Wheaton College declares that it is “a superb
accomplishment.” I suppose finally this is a book about the very nature of the
human person – and the ways in which our individualistic culture (can anybody
say John Locke?) has deformed our understandings and our practices. We live,
sadly, in an iWorld of autonomy and contracts. Kuehne boldly and freshly asks us
to think more deeply and live more radically, into a rWorld (relationship
world) of mutuality and covenant. This is slow sledding at times, but hardly
anything could be more urgent.


Oh my, psychology majors, pay attention. Also, anybody who smirks at the
phrase “self help” as I usually do. We are happy to honor these authors for some
of the very best titles this year. These really are interesting, and we wish we
could award them in person, like a real award show would. I’d love to hear their
lovely acceptance speeches, caring folk that they surely must be to write this
kind of good stuff.

Under Construction: Reframing Men’s Spirituality Gareth Brandt
(Herald Press) $13.99 Don’t let the fact that this is a Mennonite theology prof.
and spiritual director, publishing on a Mennonite publishing house, dissuade
you. Menno-friendly or not, this is great, great, stuff, and we want to shout
out how glad we are to find a resource like this. Forget the Wild at Heart
macho stuff. This author is a poet, yet grew up with fairly ordinary men,
rural farmer guys who didn’t worry about what their masculinity meant. He argues
here that the warrior imagery is not useful as a Christian metaphor for men’s
spirituality – especially in a time of increased global and local violence. From
jihadists to religiously motivated domestic violence, it seems to me that we
have to get to new ways of thinking about masculinity and violence and power.
Without being weird or deep, this plainspoken guy lays it out for us. By using
the Joseph stories of Genesis, he roots his understanding of gender in the
Biblical narrative. There is some poetry, some good pop culture stuff, and he is
conversant many good writers, from Eldridge to the Promise Keepers gang, through
Richard Rohr, Eugene Peterson, Henri Nouwen, and Donald Miller’s book To Own
a Dragon.
I like that in the forward, Arthur Paul Boers cites Bruce
Cockburn, and Brandt himself quotes the Lost Dogs tune, “Real Men Don’t Cry.”
Yeee, ha! This book deserves an award, and I’d backslap him if I

I Told Me So: Self-Deception and the Christian Life Gregg A. Ten
Elshof (Eerdmans) $15.00 Eerdmans as a publisher is increasingly known for
groundbreaking (and, sometimes, budget-breaking) tomes that make significant
contributions to the worlds of Biblical studies or theology. They don’t do
little self-help books often, but when they do, they are nearly always
outstanding – rich, thoughtful, beautifully written, mature. I was drawn to this
by the exceptionally impressive forward by Dallas Willard, but was happy to see,
when the book arrived, it has extraordinary quotes by my friends James K.A.
Smith and David Naugle, both who write wisely and deeply about the interface of
faith, worldview, character and culture. Smith says I Told Me So is “a
wonderful example of philosophy serving spiritual discipline.” Naugle exclaims
that it is wise and well crafted, and “To tell me the truth, I’m glad I
read this book. You will be too–I promise.” I think Willard is correct that
small groups and congregations should grapple with it, but I suspect that most
will read it quietly, carefully, allowing its erudite prose to search our own
deceptive hearts. This is good, meaty stuff, beautifully done, urgent, even.
After a quick skim, I intend to work with it very slowly.

A Peaceable Psychology: Christian Therapy in a World of Many Cultures
Alvin Dueck & Kevin Reimer (Brazos) $24.99 This is a big, serious
work and it deserves more accolades than I can bestow. This is a broad moral
critique of Western culture, a thoughtful engagement with the ideas that have
shaped us, and a truly innovative contribution to reframing things. It is
asking, to put it simply, what the implications might be for Isaiah’s vision of
a peaceable Kingdom for those who work in psychology, counseling, therapy, or
mental health work. Donald Capps from Princeton Theological Seminary notes that
these authors “challenge the empire mentality of Western psychology through
learned but accessible discussions of the inevitable conflicts between object
science and indigenous religious traditions.” This is iconoclastic, radically
Christian scholarship seeking a renewal of the very foundations of the
discipline. Dueck is a professor at Fuller, and Reimer is a professor at Azusa
Pacific, and their knowledge is remarkable. Their vision is audacious. This book
is extraordinary. Hauerwas calls it “landmark.” It is thick, in more ways than


The best? Come on, we ain’t no Pulitzer Prize committee here. And we already
told you how much we loved Michael Perry’s Coop, his blue-collar rural
memoir about “pigs, poultry, and parenting” and that’s about the best story
we’ve read all year, even if it is mostly true. Still, we want to offer some
sort of incentive for publishers to send us a few free books, so we’ll name a
couple of my favs this year. Of course there is a new Barbara Kingsolver, which
I’m sad to say I haven’t opened yet. Everybody talked about Olive
and The Elegance of the Hedgehog, and The Help. The
American Book Award winner was Let The Great World Spin, a fictional
account of that tightrope walker between the old WTC towers; we adored the
documentary made about him (Man on Wire). Our friend Daniel Nayeri
released an awesomely mind-blowing juvenile fiction story Another Faust.
Our “one community one book” choice this year was People of the Book
by Geraldine Brooks, a novel about the Sarajavo Haggadah–a book about a book!
Beth liked The Time Traveler’s Wife, read after a sweet customer returned
it due to the course language and nudity. Beth usually hates such stuff, but
found the book hard to put down. We both agree the best novel we’ve read in
years, was The Story of Edgar Sawtell, the mystical novel about a mute
boy and his well-trained dogs. A remarkable, powerful piece of serious fiction!
For a lovely story, our staff loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie

Here are a few you may not have considered.

June Bug
Chris Fabry (Tyndale) $13.99 Okay, I admit I haven’t read this yet. I
really want to. I loved his book Dogwood (and the fact that a Jackson
Browne concert figured into the plot just clinched it for me.) This is,
amazingly, a retelling of Les Miserables, and the hard-to-please
Publisher’s Weekly declared it “a stunning success.” June Bug and her
daddy travel around in a RV and often sleep in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart.
One day, as she walks past the greeter, her eyes are drawn to the pictures of
missing children…Charles Martin has won the coveted Christy Award (he wrote
Where the River Ends) and says it is “masterful.” You know, I wanted to
read an award-winning novel this week, so maybe I’ll start this one.

Clutching Dust and Stars: A Novel Laryn Kragt Bakker
(*cino) $16.00 Rob and Natalie are expertly drawn hipster young adults,
twenty-somethings who have been out of school for a few years and are “charting
various paths of downward mobility.” This is set in Bellingham, Washington, in
the early years of 2000s, where Natalie’s art studio behind the thrift shop is
her place of canvas and paint. I can tell you ten things I liked about this
well-written drama, and while not every reader will love every moment, this is a
first novel by a very thoughtful Christian writer, published by an indie company
that we are close to. I don’t award the book because of that, but thought you
may know their e-zine (catapult) and may have seen it serialized there. We’re
pretty excited to carry this book, with its allusive title drawn from The
Kabbalah, despite its raw tale and deep struggles about faith and
justice…no, it is because of this that we so affirm it. As the author
puts it, “the story follows the tensions between various poles: dust and stars,
apathy and idealism, love and sadness, disbelief and faith, graffiti and art,
Rob and Natalie.” Best first novel, 2009!

The Passion of Mary-Margaret Lisa Samson (Nelson) $14.99 I know, I
know, this is really chick-lit, but I found it very hard to put down. Perhaps it
is because I respect the talents of Ms Samson – and her commitments to live in
an missional community in a rough part of their city – or perhaps it is because
it is set on a fictional island in the Chesapeake Bay, not that far from us,
with references to Baltimore and other mid-Atlantic spots. Or maybe it is the
way an evangelical writer, on a largely Protestant publishing house, has drawn a
very believable novel set in a Catholic retreat house, with most of the
characters (who we meet in a series of flashbacks based on found letters) are
nuns. This is a very moving story about forgiveness, the relationship between
past and present, and the longing for reconciliation and love. I know theses are
the themes of many contemporary novels. This one weaves faith throughout in
poignant and reasonable ways, touching down in the art world, local sewing, the
seamy world of burlesque, mission work in Africa and, oh – Ocean City. That
deserves an honor itself, no? Yes!

Bo’s Café John Lynch, Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol (Windblown) $13.99 I
want to give this book an award for being – for better or for worse – this
year’s The Shack. Minus the big sales and hoopla and controversy, that
is… It is not sophisticated fiction, and the authors don’t fancy themselves
called to do major literature. I’ve met them and like them a lot. (They wrote an
extraordinary book on leadership, and TrueFaced, a very, very good book
on honest and caring relationships. They are solid Bible teachers and passionate
about their efforts to help church folks experience genuine community.) Bo’s
, like The Shack, seems to me to be a parable; it clearly
has a message and it’s written as a story in order to communicate that message.
The moral to the story? Grace. Community. Care. Authenicity. Real relationships.
Gerry Breshears (a Ph.D. and serious writer) says, “If you are blinded by
success or weighed down by life, the place to linger, learn, and live, is Bo’s
Café.” Dan Haseltine, the lead singer of Jars of Clay, calls it a “signpost
directing men and women to a place of freedom through community and honest
relationships. It is the story of what happens when we lay our defenses down and
embrace the fullness of grace in the face of our secrets and pain.” Many solid
counselors and writers about relationships (like Les and Lesley Parrot) have
moving tributes to this lovely little story. It is quite a ride, a lovely place,
caring, and safe, to work through some of the deepest issues in our lives. Kudos
to the guys for taking their non-fiction work, and telling a tender, colorful


It is no new news that the Zondervan Corporation has been a premier book and
Bible company, dating back to their travelling Bible sales around Grand Rapids
over 100 years ago. Theologically conservative, culturally middle class,
primarily white and evangelical and Republican, this publisher has done fine
work representing the fairly traditional end of evangelical publishing. They
have done their share of truly bad books in past decades, and their books
speculating about the end times soared in the 70s along with other loony stuff
from the Jesus people days. As the Christian Right heated up, they did their
share of weird stuff there, too, and yet there have been important books, great
writers (Phil Yancey comes to mind, as does Walter Wangerin) and very, very
moving stories. They never did much in racial justice issues (even the
conservative Moody Bible publisher has an African American imprint) although
they did a devastatingly important book by Bill Pannell in the 80’s. It didn’t
stay in print very long.

Their Biblical scholarship grew to be very interesting, and I’ve stood up for
their integrity and seriousness among more mainline folks who don’t yet trust
them, thinking that they somehow were akin to Tammy Faye or Pat Robertson types.
Still into the new century, as the Spirit shaped them and new editors became
involved and times changed, they began to show signs of willingness to publish
less safely traditional material. Voices like Miroslov Volf, Brian McLaren and
Shane Claiborne appeared, and I some days did cartwheels celebrating the
oddities of our times: authors with footnotes from radical pacifists and
Catholic Workers and scholars like Jacque Ellul end up in books with the
Zondervan logo. I didn’t even agree with all of Jesus for President, but
was overjoyed to see a book like this appear and be discussed within mostly
evangelical circles. This year they did a new book by the brilliant David Dark
(with a blurb on the inside by yours truly) called The Sacredness of
Questioning Everything.
It’s remarkable, fluid, careening off into
fascinating ruminations, deconstructing safe idols and risking asking the
biggest questions. The footnotes themselves are an education – and it seems to
me to be an example of the fresh winds blowing through evangelical publishing,
winds that are good and faithful, reliable and orthodox, but creative and
open-hearted. Greg Boyd recently wrote the provocative Myth of the Christian
, a follow-up to his critique of nationalism. Zondervan has also
released DVDs of Andy Crouch and thoughtful Reformed folks like Timothy Keller
who encourage us towards not only solid theology, but a care for our urban
areas. Of course they do the Nooma DVDs of Rob Bell, and his last great book,
Jesus Wants to Save Christians is a Biblically-rich call to resist
Empire, and allow Christ to shape us to see His redemptive hand in the world. A
book like that simply wouldn’t have been published by an evangelical press
twenty-five years ago (trust me, I know this.) It wouldn’t have been published
by Zondervan five years ago.

As a younger generation of readers and missionally-minded folks grew
interested in social justice, creation-care, and fair trade, perhaps because of
the work of Shane and Bell and others (especially IJMs Gary Haugen, whose work
against sexual trafficking put human rights concerns on the map for young
evangelicals), Zondervan ponied up and published some great resources. Three
this year stand out, and they deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude. I
am thankful to God for whoever is behind this stuff. Thanks to all the Z staff
who have the courage to do these fine publications. We honor them for a variety
of books – and there are quite a good handful – but celebrate these few from
2009. You have given me much hope and made my book selling job that much more
joyful. Thanks.

The Poor Will Be Glad: Joining the Revolution to Lift the World Out of
Peter Greer & Phil Smith (Zondervan) $19.99 I did a nice
announcement of this when it arrived this fall, and celebrated not only the
excellent writing, but the moving photography. It seems to me that somebody in
headquarters chose to get behind this, giving it an extra bit of class,
investing in a risky publishing venture – a full color hard back about
micro-financing, with a blurb by Rob Bell. Good on them, as they say, as this is
righteous stuff, Biblically based and truly effective – it a book that deserves
to be honored. More, the vision and work of HOPE International should be known
and supported. Thanks to Zondervan for getting the word out in such a lovely,
powerful manner.

Zealous Love: A Practical Guide to Social Justice Mike and Danae
Yankoski (Zondervan) $16.99 At least two other evangelical publishers have
released very useful handbooks to social activism, and they each have a built-in
market, connections with kids who care. Zondervan, with its formerly stuffy
image and relatively conservative clientele, may not naturally know how to
market a book for young activists. Still, they forged ahead, creating a
top-notch guide book for anyone who wants to take next steps in the hard work of
ministering to the whole person, doing cultural reformation, social protest, and
political initiatives around causes such as creation-care, HIV/AIDS, clean water
or sexual trafficking. This is not only a useful guidebook, a wonderful and
up-to-date, relevant resource text, it is inspiring and – get this! – fun. It is
witty and sharp, and designed with a full color appeal, using little icons, and
sidebars, perfect for a generation raised on Facebook and edgy magazines. This
must have been a large undertaking, and, again, those behind it deserve our
prayers, support, and gratitude. Somebody’s life will be better because of this,
and evangelicals with a clear sense of the glory of God seen through the cross
of Christ need to be encouraged to live out their gospel lifestyle with these
kinds of next steps for justice and peacemaking. Spread the word!

Start: Becoming a Good Samaritan DVD hosted by John Ortberg
(Zondervan) $24.99 I have said in an earlier blog, and at several clergy and
campus ministry retreats this fall, that this is the very best video curriculum
I have ever seen. From the classy production, the pace, the caliber of the
interviews, and the aesthetic richness, this is easy to watch, interesting to
study, and inspires viewers to further action. I did not find it guilt
producing, but stimulating. With a cast of characters as diverse as Philip
Yancey, Joni Eareckson, Brenda Salter McNeil, Jim Cymbala, Shane Claiborne, and
Chuck Colson, this really does cover a lot of ground. Hear Jim Wallis or Eugene
Peterson or Kay Warren, all on deeply Christian ways to respond to this beloved
Bible teaching of Rabbi Jesus. Co-produced by World Vision, I cannot tell you
how appreciative we are to be able to stock such a fine resource. Look for the
book, too, coming later this year. Thanks, Zondervan.


I actually only have my tongue half in cheek for this. As one who does these
kinds of fairly brief, pithy, passionate, blurbs, I realize it is difficult to
be interesting, say something of worth, and be honest about things. How to say
that a book has fabulous content, but maybe drags a bit? How to push a title
that is gloriously written but has a chapter or two that are just off-base? Can
we encourage you to take interest in something that is important, without coming
on too strongly? More difficult, how to truly exclaim with enthusiasm and gusto
without just gushing? Ahh, it is a challenge, to do this well.

And, this year, there were a few truly thrilling back cover blurbs. Barbara
Brown Taylor said something very lovely about Nora Gallagher’s Sacred
book, but I loved Lauren Winner’s endorsement (that I cited above.)
Lauren also helped us sell a few copies of This Odd and Wondrous Calling
by Lillian Daniel & Marty Copenhaven, a book I earnestly honored in Part
One of this award list, when she said that “my dictionary does not have enough
adjectives to tell you how much I adore this book.” Now that is a killer

But for our winning exclamation, we choose the always eloquent and truly
insightful undertaker and poet, Thomas Lynch (whose new collection of short
stories and poems, by the way, should be out shortly.) About Accompany
Them With Singing: The Christian Funeral
by Thomas Long (WJK; $24.95)
the good man wrote:

To a culture accustomed to ‘obsequies-lite,’ Dr. Long prescribes a
full-bodied liturgical and community theatre – funerals equipped for the heavy
lifting of Christianity – acting out our faith and humanity, bearing our dead to
the brink of real and eternal life. Accompany Them With Singing: The
Christian Funeral
is an indispensable and luminous guide for clergy,
families, funeral directors – all home-going pilgrims – on how we ought to cope
with death by dealing with our dead. I think it will be the text of record on
this subject for the next fifty years.

And that is how it’s done. Quiet applause for this fine art, so well done
here by Lynch. And, importantly, I believe he is probably right. But suppose he
is wrong by half, making this the “text of record” for only the next twenty-five
years? I think if you have any reason to be involved in funeral planning or
leading in the next decade you may need this resource. Studying that rich blurb,
though, gets you part-way there.

Daily Devotionals; Yancey, Seerveld, Crabb, Foster, Chrysostom, unsung Puritans, contemporary cultural critics and peacemaking prayers

We’ve cleaned up the gift wrap from out Epiphany celebration (Three Kings Day some call it) on the 12th day of Christmastide.  Now, even though we can’t bear to take down our greenery and white lights, we must admit the season is passed and the New Year is really here.  Oh my.

If you are like me, with 350-some more days to go, you haven’t rushed to pick a daily devotional.  Many serious readers, I find, don’t take a liking to these little devotional guides, but I think that is a bit foolhardy.  Of course some are cheesy and some are shallow and maybe some don’t speak your love language.  But some devotional guides are extraordinary and can be used very profitably.  Some have meaty, serious text, some are creative and fascinating, many can deepen your resolve to live faithfully, even teaching a bit in short bits. So, for yourself, or to pass on to others, here is an eccentric little list of a few you might want to consider.  I’ll be brief, naming only a few.  Call us if these don’t seem quite right, but you’d like other advice.

grace notes.jpgGrace Notes: Daily Readings with a Fellow Pilgrim  Philip Yancey (Zondervan) $19.99  This is a sturdy, handsome hardback, with one-page readings selected for each day.  The readings are gleaned from decades of his work, including some hard to find essays and an out of print book or to.  If you have appreciated Yancey’s good reportage and ruminations over the years, if you value a literary, thinking, open-minded, very talented evangelical, if you’ve been glad–as we certainly have been!–that just such writers are published these days, then this is a perfect way to dip into his work, be reminded and refreshed.  If you don’t know Yancey’s writing, we truly commend this as a way into his large body of very wise and insightful work.   (I think) I like the blurb on the back that says “a year with Philip Yancey will make your heart think and your mind feel.”  Thoughtful, rich, interesting. Very highly recommended.

take hold of god and pull.gifTake Hold of God and Pull  Calvin Seerveld (Paternoster) $20.00  This paperback includes a few woodcuts, but the text is think and heavy.  I might say that Seerveld (Rainbows for the Fallen World, Bearing Fresh Olive Leaves, Reading the Bible To Hear God Speak, Voicing God’s Praise among others) is my all time favorite author. Well, even if that is more conclusive than I might aver (I’ve got so many favorites) there is no doubt that I esteem him as much as any man alive and appreciate his books among my all time top few.  His writing can be at times rather eccentric, so be warned.  I think he makes up words.  And it is seriously, seriously Biblical; he translates and exegetes texts, and not only explains and preaches and proclaims, he spins off towards contemporary application in ways that sounds like some Biblical prophet; he’s got the Word in his bones, racing from passage to passage, harsh and gentle and winsome, not selling anything, but often urgent.  These were firstly given as chapel talks at a small, mostly Reformed Christian college (Trinity Christian in Palo Heights, IL) in the hey-day of the late 60s and Seerveld, mostly known as a philosopher of aesthetics, spoke in ways that were (I’m told by those who were there) electrifying. He has cadences that are both ancient and contemporary, philosophical yet with a blue-collar plainness at times, in a way that few match.  I had a different edition of this in college, and I think I’d say it was one of those transforming experiences with the printed page that drew me to books and bookselling.  Beth and I are grateful that this British publisher has kept it in print in a compact sized paperback. 

on being human.gifOn Being Human: Imaging God in the Modern World  Calvin Seerveld (Welch) $7.00  At just over 100 pages, this thin book is deceptively brief.  Yet the chapters should be read carefully, and often, as there is thick wisdom here.  Each Biblical meditation in one way or another explores what it means to be fully human, and it does so in conversation with an art piece that he happily shows off in the start of each chapter. (Some are contemporary paintings while others are classic;  several are sculptures, and there is a photograph and a lithograph.)  There are songs, here (meant for singing he says), artworks for imaginative viewing and prayers offered which he hopes you will pray out loud.  Part art reflection, part Bible study, part gospel proclaimation, this short book brings yous enjoyably into the living presence of God, where we find ourselves as “listening, sinful saints” sharing truth with our neighbors.  “Humans should use a book humanly” he writes.  Get ready to sing and pray and think and perhaps breath a sigh of gratitude for writers like this.

66 love letters.jpg66 Love Letters: A Conversation With God That Invites You Into His Story  Larry Crabb (Nelson) $22.99  This has the feel of an older book, with a textured paper, with a brown cover, a photo of a rope that almost feels real.  I don’t know if they are conjuring up some mystery, but the idea is clever: this is an imaginary conversation where God is explaining God’s ways in each book of the Bible as Dr. Crabb replies.  This is a playful–yet, I’d say, exceptionally serious–process, where Crabb cries out and listens, celebrates and praises, scratches his head and wonders.  “Read on!” God says, as the story unfolds, as His grace and providence and goodness and faithfulness is increasingly seen.  These are (the front cover reminds) 66 love letters “From God to You.”  Here is a fresh, relational look at Scripture.

year with god.jpgA Year With God: Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines  edited by Richard Foster & Julia Roller (HarperOne) $22.99  You may know the reliable work of Renovare, a ministry rooted in the deepest mystic and thinkers of the church, a ministry that invites followers of Jesus to know God deeply, and to sense God’s presence as we serve Him in contemplative ways throughout our daily lives.  Here, Foster (the founder of Renovare) offers some of the best short selections from some of the best writers of spirituality, including much lifted from the Life With God Bible. For each day they present a Scripture passage, then a commentary on the passage, a spiritual practice followed by a quotation, prayer or reflection relating to the passage.  These are morsels—bits of sustenance for the journey.  There is a wonderful format here, a nearly rigorous plan covering
great amounts of spiritual practice.

love chapter.gifThe Love Chapter: The Meaning of First Corinthians 13  St. John Chrysostom*  (Paraclete) $12.99  Who hasn’t heard this glorious bit of ancient writing from Paul’s great letter to Christians living in Corinth? It may be the most well-known section of the entire Bible!  And yet, there are very few books that explore it.  (Ahh, do you know Jonathan Edwards’ serious Charity and Its Fruits?  Now there is some meat for ya!)  Here, in this new modernized text, we have 11 meditations—sermons from one of our earliest known preachers, the famous, beloved “golden-mouth” orator himself. John Chryostom lived in the late 300s as an archbishop in Constantinople.  Churches in the West and East honor him as a saint.  Spend a week on each one of these beautiful sermons, I’d say: they are too rich to read quickly, one after the next.  As in the best sermons, he brings together other portions of the Scripture, cross-references intriguing passages, and, inspired by God’s grace in Christ, calls us to mirror the Divine love in how we relate to others. 

*by the way, for those unfamiliar, I quote from the lovely forward by Frederica Matthews-Green:

As was true of St. Paul, St. John Chryostom was not impressive in appearance but his words were with power.  He had more than one conflict with the imperial court, as he chastised the wealthy and powerful for their self-indulgance and lack of care for the poor.  (Chrysostom himself lived a simple life, despite his high ecclesiastical rank; in his first year as bishop he saved enough money from his personal expenses to build a hospital for the poor.)

voices 2.jpgVoices From the Past: Puritan Devotional Readings  Edited by Richard Rushing (Banner of Truth) $28.00  Puritans–often wrongly confused with the Victorians–were a robust and lusty bunch, relishing God’s call to live good lives in a good creation.  They made a huge, huge difference for God—with some glaring problems and blind spots, to be sure.  But their energetic worldview was rooted in a serious and abiding understanding of their great need for a savior from their sins, and the great savior the Lord Jesus in fact really is.  The holiness of God, the lostness of mankind, the mercy of God and the Kingship of the Christ, the need to rely on God’s Spirit in times of struggle and pain—this is classic, rich, important stuff, not watered down, not made easy, but sweet to the soul nonetheless.  Their preachers and theologians were very well educated, deep men who were prolific.  Here you will meet the names that shaped generations of Protestants, mostly in Northern Europe and in North America—John Bunyan, Richard Baxter, Thomas Boston, Stephen Charnock, John Flavel, William Gurnell, Thomas Manton, Richard Sibbes, Thomas Watson (and many more.)  And yes, the towering Edwards and the extraordinary John Owen.  You are offered a Bible verse (or a phrase) and a one-page dense explication. I do not (by the way) fully agree with C.S. Lewis that we should read more old books than new.  But we certainly should read some old authors.  This is a history lesson, a reminder of good theology, and a great assurance of the sovereign grace of God.  What a gold-mine!   For those who like this sort of writing, I hope you know of The Valley of Vision:  Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions, also published by the Banner of Truth. (Regular-sized paperback, $16; pocket-sized leather-bound, $26.)

a faith and culture devotional.jpgFaith and Culture Devotional: Daily Readings in Art, Science and Life  Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington (Zondervan) $16.99  We promoted this last year about this time, and I am still stunned at how great it is, and how little it is known.  Our pal Kelly M K worked for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at Harvard, is a gracious and thoughtful leader, who desires for us to think faithfully about the world, to God’s glory.  This is inspiring, educational, informative, and a great, fairly simple example, of what we mean when we talk about developing a Christian worldview.  Can we see God’s hand in scientific discovery?  God’s beauty in wonderful art? Biblical wisdom in popular culture? Can we come to understand the missional vision of the Kingdom as cultural engagement and responsible social concern as well as typical church involvement and evangelism?  Of course!  With thoughtful Christian leaders as diverse as Dallas Willard, Scott McKnight or Joy Jordan-Lake, Eric Metaxas, Bruce Herman or Hans Rookmaaker, this is a wonderful collection of short daily readings, inspiring and formative.

praying for peace around the globe.jpgPraying for Peace Around the Globe  James McGinnis (Liguori) $10.95  McGinnis (with his wife, Kathy) long ago impressed us with their organization Parenting for Peace & Justice, a network of educators, activists and ordinary family members wanting to live out the radical call to peacemaking and justice work in ways that kids could join in.  Here, he gives us a guidebook to praying for some country or some concern, several for each month.  They are somewhat arranged to coincide with national activist dates or historic days, marking our weeks with concerns and prayers, action suggestions and meditations so that we can pray and act for peace on a daily and weekly basis.  There is a shor “Pray of Petition” that provide faiths communities a ready aid to use in corporate worship, too.  A nice resource.

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Seeing Everything Anew: A (bookseller’s) Meditation

I’m not sure why you have subscribed to BookNotes, or what drives you to support Hearts & Minds bookstore, but we are truly grateful.  It has been a good year for books, if a hard year for bookstores like ours, and I am creating our “best of” list to share soon.  We are glad you seem to be interested in thoughtful religious book-buying from a home-grown place like ours.  When we realize who all has ordered from us over the last years, and who sends us notes, clicks through from Facebook or Twitter, or stops by (sometimes from out of state) we are both blessed and humbled.  You are a fine lot, a community of readers who share some common concerns and a fondness for our quirky wares.  Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Just recently I’ve had some very unpleasant on-line discussions with a few folk who think we sell really bad books and are warning others against us.  They knock authors we appreciate on their web-page and blame us for the alleged heresies of some ministries we serve.  To read an author with whom one disagees (let alone applaud him or her for stuff they do well) is anathema to them, and they say so with dire drama.  They don’t believe in reading widely, and our best efforts to say that this is a wise and good practice have blown up in ugly debate.  There are an array of theological (and other) differences among us, but one large point is that they do not believe Christian disciples should care much about this world.  They believe it is bad and will be soon destroyed. Jesus can save your soul, but not much else.

And so, as a reminder to myself of a more faithful theological perspective and as an encouragement to others, I wrote a little meditation about an “a-ha” moment in a class with a favorite teacher.  It was posted today at Living Jubilee, the blog affiliated with the CCOs February Jubilee conference.  It was a hot summer day in the late 70s and the lesson included a line from a Christmas carol. It was a defining moment and reading about it might help you understand even more why we do what we do.  Although it was written for college students, mostly (Jubilee is designed for collegiates) I think you’ll like it. It tells a part of our story here, and, hopefully yours as well.  Happy New Year.  Thanks for caring.


It was just a week ago that most of us sang
Christmas carols.  One of the most enduring is Joy to the World.  I
sang it as a child and into my college years until I really heard one line. One
line–a line that has been as helpful to me as nearly anything I’ve heard about
the meaning and scope of Christ’s redemption. I will never forget the time the
“lights came on” and I had a glimmer of the far-ranging truth of that
one holiday verse.
Interestingly, it happened one hot summer afternoon
when some of us were in a class with Dr. Albert Wolters, author of
Creation Regained: The Biblical Basis for a Reformational Worldview, learning about a Christian
worldview, and how to help college students relate their deepest convictions
about Christ and His Lordship to the theories and subjects in the university
classroom.  That fascinating word, worldview, is used to explain that
Christian faith is not only a matter of inward piety, not only a system
of theological truths, not only a matter of being a dedicated follower of Jesus.
Although personal spirituality, proper doctrine and a serious commitment to obey
Christ are indeed vital aspects of Christian discipleship, these must also be
allowed to shape our very perception of who we are and how we see reality.  That
is, a worldview is like a pair of glasses, that color, tint, make clear (or
unclear if they aren’t proper) whatever it is we are looking at.
And we look at a lot, don’t we?  From textbooks to
text messages, art work to school work, from the beauty of nature to the
ugliness of war, the joy of loved ones and the horror of global climate change,
from beautiful buildings to beautiful ideas, from cool computer games to cool TV
shows, from broken relationships to broken bread, we look, look, and look, day
in and day out, making sense of things, learning how we fit in to all that we
see.  We engage.  We interpret.  We make meaning.  Things are construed, valued,
cherished or despised, understood as good or bad or something other.  We “lean
into life” based on the ultimate story we tell about our life, and this
narrative trajectory—the direction in which our life unfolds—is determined
by the meaning we construe, the stories we tell, the glasses we wear. 
It is possible to be a true Christian with glad
assurance of being pardoned from sin and of being part of the community of
believers that exalts in Jesus’ birth and life, death and resurrection, and not
have a Christian framework for understanding the issues of life.  We can believe
all the right stuff, experience God’s saving grace, and still not have truly
Christian perception. We can have other glasses on that distort our way of
seeing.  Or, to change the metaphor, we can live by the ethos and values of the
daily news, the political parties, the ideologies and ways of life that are told
(over and over) on CNBC or Fox News, the cop shows, the schoolbooks, the comics,
the movies, the latest buzz on MySpace or Twitter. 
It is imperative–and this is one of the chief
goals of the Jubilee conference–to tell a better story of what life is about
than the one we hear most often in our culture. We must allow Christ’s story to
shape our understand of everything, to live out of His worldview and into His
way of life, even in college.  We need Godly glasses, a backstory and framework
and set of presuppositions that are shaped by the gospel, so we can “see” life
as we should.
What does a Christian worldview and a new story
about seeing all of life from God’s perspective have to do with the beloved
Christmas carol?

As we struggled to think how to explain the Jubilee
conference to students, and invite collegiates to see the implications of
Christ’s salvation for all of life, our teacher Al Wolters quietly quoted Joy
to the World
as he does in his book.

He comes to make
His blessing flow
far as the curse is found
far as the curse is found
far as, far as, the curse is found
A cornerstone of a deeply Christian worldview is to
see Christ as the long-awaited Messiah
who comes to do something, something the
carol writer understood: to bring His redemptive grace wherever ” thorns
infest the ground.”  Where are there thorns and curse?  Everywhere, and in
everything!  Where, then, is Jesus at work, bringing healing and hope? 
Everywhere, and in everything!  Indeed, all of life is in spiritual struggle, as
sin and grace battle.  Nothing is as it should be, but everything can be better
than it is.  God is at work, just like the carol assures. Christ did not come
just to save our personal souls or to bring inner change to a few.  Anywhere
there is curse, He is turning it to blessing.
The far-reaching scope of this broad view of the
power of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension cannot be better said than
in that life-changing stanza of Joy to the World. And—to add
insightful icing on the cake—the carol lyric notes that this is to be known
among the nations.  Indeed, “He rules the world, with truth
and grace.”

The mid-February Jubilee conference is about hearing a new story, a deeply Biblical
worldview, a way for students to see their college experiences through the light
of Christian truth.  Because, after all, He comes to make/His blessings
flow—far as the curse is found.  In your life, in your family, in
your major, at your college, in your future career.  Wherever there is sin and
brokenness, Christ rules.  That gives us an exciting worldview that raises the horizons of possibility for faithful Christian insight.  Next time you
sing Joy to the World, I hope its glorious truths polish up your
lenses.  You’ll see everything anew.