Check out the list over at the monthly “review” column: diverse books on spiritual formation

Many months—I can’t say every month—I do a longer list, a bigger essay, or some more substantive reviews than the blog posts permit.  Check out the September bibliography where I review and annotate a handful of new books on spirituality.  It’s a good, diverse, list, something for everyone.  May you experience God’s presence and know Christ’s peace in these warm days of waning summer. 

Here are a just a few covers of a few of the ones I tell about.  See the whole list here.  Check out the good discount too.

9780830835300.jpg_240_360_Book_205_cover.jpg9780809146475.jpgPhyllis Tickle said Mystically Wired was “hands down” the best book on prayer she ever read!  And she prays more than most mortals, and reads more, too, 

Pilgrimage of a soul.jpgProduct5283_Photo1.jpg
You can see our description of these, and others, over at the monthly review column.  Let us know what  you think by offering a comment…

Life in the Spirit is an anthology of a batch of wise and thoughtful papers delivered at an important conference at Wheaton on the interface of theology and spirituality.  Over at my review, I rave.  Very important!

This book shown on the right is one of the most lovely, informed, and helpful books about Benedictine spirituality I’ve ever read.  Written by a sensible Presbyterian pastor, too.  Very, very nice.

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