Some days are hard, here, as with anybody’s job. But today’s UPS truck brought a handful of books that made me smile. One is an brand new book by our good friend Art Lindsley of the C.S. Lewis Institute. Art goes way back to Young Life around Pittsburgh, was on staff with and co-wrote with R.C. Sproul, and was a campus ministry theological specialist with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO.) He now not only teaches and writes for the Lewis Institute in Washington, but has a significant ministry with his wife of hospitality, care-giving, prayer and counseling. He is a good, good guy.
And his new book is one we have been waiting for. He told me this morning that he hasn’t even seen it yet. You can be the first to know.
C.S. Lewis’s Case for Christ is the new title, somewhat of an introduction to Lewis and how his insights can be a useful apologetic, especially in this current postmodern climate. The subtitle explains much: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith. (InterVarsity Press; $14.00.) Art explored some of these themes in his earlier book on apologetics, True Truth in which he attempted to hold to absolutes and yet offer strong critique to overly ideological absolutism. Those significantly influenced by postmodern philosophy—say Walsh and Keesmaat in their wonderfully provacative commentary on Colossians called Colossians Remixed or any number of the emergent writers—may have some disagreements. But his effort to get beyond rationalism without eroding notions of truth, is honorable and helpful.
Here, he draws on none other than Clive himself to both argue for a reasonable and classic understanding of Christian truth and to honor the ways in which myth, mystery and imagination shape our knowing. Art has often said that Lewis, with his critique of naturalism and rationalism, is a very helpful ally for those who desire to proclaim a Christian worldview that is neither rationalist nor relativist, modernist nor postmodernist. Reason and imagination, heart and mind, all brought together, as Ravi Zacharias says in a friendly blurb, “through the spyglass of C.S. Lewis.”
The book has some nice vignettes that follow a small gang of fictional characters hanging out at a bookstore doing a Lewis study club thing. Each brings certain concerns, questions and needs to the table and Art shows how working through Lewis’ own writings, indicative of his own struggles and journey, can bring clarity and insight to this batch of issues. I spend a hour with it over a late lunch today—slurping soup and thinking about his take on some of the lesser known Lewis books–and am very excited to read more. If you are a Lewis novis (and who of us isn’t, really) or know his work well, this will be a book you will greatly benefit from. Art has done his homework, has immersed himself in Lewis’s work–fictional and nonfiction, academic and popular–and it really shows.
Also, today, a new book by Art’s friend and world-renowned theologian and scholar Alister McGrath, showed up. Like his previous coffee-table, glossy pages, full-color art work enhanced reflection on what the Bible says about creation, this one unpacks the various aspects of the incarnation. Incarnation is beautifully published in hardcover at a very good price, by Fortress, and is a joy to behold. This is a topic of immense importance and not only tells us much of God’s character and plan as we get a window into Christ’s incarnation, but, in this lovely art-filled presentation, allows us to reflect on the beauty of it all. A book to have and to give.
C.S. Lewis’s Case for Christ: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith Art Lindsley (IVP) $14.00
Incarnation Alister McGrath (Fortress) $15.00
I have a good friend in Brownsville PA and she is the one who introduced me to C.S. Lewis’ ideas on faith…(just very generalized info). I will share this particular book title with her as well as your blog. Thank you for your kind words left at Testimony and Truth.Peace,