This year has brought a good number of some very special books about C.S. Lewis. Whether one is a part of the serious Lewis tribe or not, we all should know more about him. Just in time for renewed conversations inspired by this week-end’s Walden Media release of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I compiled a large list of the latest and greatest C.S.Lewis resources. I hope you skip over to the monthly website review column where you can read by bibliographic essay. We have tons more–nearly everything by him, and all sorts of things about him–so do call if you have special interests. Just click here.
I am sure you’ll find something interesting there, and some very great gift ideas. We are very excited to announce—daa daaah—two new DVD resources that are sold in only a very few retail locations (if any.) We’ve been allowed to stock the new DVD teaching by Lewisonia guru extraordinaire, Dr. Chris Mitchell (of the Wade Center), where he walks viewers through Mere Christianity. Kudos to the C.S. Lewis Institute in Washington DC for producing these DVDs and study guide in a handsome package, keeping the price right, and helping offer new ways to help folks grapple with the big ideas of Lewis’ grandest book. You want to see my description over at the big column.
And–perhaps even more interesting–you will find my description of a very expertly crafted study guide for the PBS documentary comparing the worldviews of C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud (based on the remarkable book by popular Harvard Medical School professor, Armand Nicholi, entitled Question of God: C.S. Lewis & Sigmund Freud Debate God, Sex, Love and the Meaning of Life.)
The PBS docudrama based on the book is pretty creative, and allows these two representative thinkers to show the implications of their respective views. The book is good and the DVD is fun.
The good folks in Atlanta that have a branch of the C.S. Lewis Institute there, have allowed us to stock their study guide for the DVD. It was very ably written by Bill Smith, the Director of CSLI Atlanta, and we are excited to think of the possibilities of groups watching this PBS documentary and using the guide Bill put together in order to have meaningful, thoughtful conversations about these vital subjects.
Please read all about these two new DVD pieces that we are so honored to carry.
And, you’ll see more. too. There is a new, very (very) cool C.S. Lewis Study Bible, a yearly devotional based on Aslan, a few heavy, scholarly works, and a brand new adapted easy-to-read version of the hugely important Oxford University Press book called Planet Narnia, by Michael Ward, which was one of the most significant Narnia studies to come out since the daring tales were told. The new, thinner version is called The Narnia Code and it is truly fascinating and a fine summary of the larger, more academic book. Hope you like my description and a link to a video by Mr. Ward. Gotta check that out!
By the way, until December 31st we are offering an even better discount here at the blog—25% off—good on any of the items I mentioned in the Lewis-related review. We do have a discount offer listed over there, but the blog one here is even better, for those of you who regularly pay attention to our work here.
We are grateful for your readership, and hope you find this column interesting. If you know anybody who might like it, why not pass it on, spread the word on facebook on twitter?
For the extra discount, just mention that you read the blog and claim the 25% off. First, though, see the big Lewis resource list, here. Then come on back and order! Cheerio!

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