Thanks for your prayers and your interest in our work at the CCOs Jubilee conference in Pittsburgh last week. And for those of you we bumped in to at Jubilee, please forgive me if I was rushed or confused. I was, well, rushed and confused (and more cranky that I should have been.) Still, crazy-making as it may be, it was fun to be out there, again, wasn’t it??
For those who did not make the pilgrimage to Pittsburgh, I invite you to click over to my March monthly column where I do an extended review of some of the moments that stood out, some of the authors we met, some of the books that sold best. Whether you care about this gathering of young adults or not–and you should, you know–I think the points raised and the descriptions of the books will be beneficial. Let me know what you think, if you’d like, by posting a comment below. (Facebook comments are welcome, too, but are less lasting, so why not comment right here on the blog. No orders here, though—that’s what the webpage order form page is for, and it’s a bit more discreet.)
I found myself typing this writerly riff—I wish you coulda been there. Oh, and I really do wish you could have experienced it for yourself—nearly 2000 college students learning about God’s Kingdom. Seeing the now-defunct
prison door, brought from Northern Uganda by Bob Goff. Seeing me on stage with the jumbotron book covers, celebrating great authors. Listening in as engineering majors asked why no one ever invited them to think about the relationship of faith and technology. Watching the math nerds argue about pages in a book we carry offering a Christian view of mathematics. Meeting folks just back from Haiti. Experiencing the glorious insights from the multi-racial speakers–and learning about that subject from a passionate evangelical sociologist of the global church. Catching the book buzz as titles flew off the tables—Anatomy of a Soul (or neuroscience), Bonhoeffer (on a Nazi-resisting Lutheran martyr), Aurilia’s Colors (the first in a well-written fantasy series), books on localism, food, and farming, books on faith and science, faith and business, books on calling and vocation, resources on doing justice, a brand new book on American history, books about prayer, books on faith and scholarship, books about making a difference.
And being blessed as friends brought us pizza and coffee and sandwiches and throat lozenges. I wished you coulda seen us, working the book display from 8 am until 1 am, talking not stop, listening, recommending resources, highlighting titles. Doing our H&M thing.
Yep, I think the column is pretty great, not that I tell it that well. (This is hard to express and I leave so much out, good authors and good friends who should have been named.) But the stories told are instructive for anyone interested in how churches can equip ordinary folks to live life with a lively faith in the real world, and how best to inspire younger adults to be, as Gabe Lyon’s describes them in his must-read book—and the Friday night keynote talk at Jubilee 2011–The Next Christians. We offered a lot of links to authors and organizations so you can check them out for yourself.
I hope by reading my description of Jubilee 2011 you not only get a glimpse more into what your support of Hearts & Minds enables us to do, but helps you get a sense of some of the themes and topics and books and authors about which we are most impressed. Stay in touch if we can serve you further. Thanks for reading.
“Wish I Coulda Been There” Discount Special”
which I describe at the end of the column.
Click over to the monthly Review Column, here.
Thanks for the great highlights, Byron! SO MANY great talks at Jubilee, and it’s hard to remember them all! I love ending with suggested reading.
Take care– drink liquids.