What a delight it has been serving so many CS Lewis Institute Fellows last year (and many years before that) in their Year One program. Thanks to the mentors and participants who send their orders our way. We pray this intensive faith formation community has widened your heart and matured your mind. In Year Two you will go a bit deeper, a bit broader, living out the implications of a solid, historically orthodox faith, and a lived, full-orbed relationship with the King of the Universe, the God that Lewis loved and served.
Here is your Year Two Fellow’s list. As always, we list the regular retail prices, but will offer a 10% discount for C.S. Lewis Fellows. Just use our handy order form page, from the link shown below. Tell us what you want, if you want us to bill you or if you want to use a cc. We’ll ship ’em out. Again, thank you for your work and thank you for the opportunity to serve you in this way.
This list was edited 6-9-2012 to reflect a change in the CSLI Year Two Handbook.
CS Lewis Institute Fellows Program Reading List YEAR TWO
DVD Les Miserables 1978/2004 directed by Glen Jordan starring Richard Jordan, Anthony Perkins (Lion’s Gate) $14.98 Who hasn’t been moved by the extraordinary story, inspired by the classic Victor Hugo novel? Very well done.
What’s So Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey (Zondervan) $14.99 One of our great contemporary writers tells moving stories to help us all understand God’s grace and how to be more gracious in our own lives.
The Grace Awakening Charles Swindoll (Nelson) $14.99 A truly wonderful, easy-to-read overview of this essential doctrine by one of the most popular Christian writers of the last several decades. Inspiring, thorough. You may choose this one, or the Bridges book, listed below.
Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love Jerry Bridges (NavPress) $14.99 A portion of this was used in Year One so most Year Two Fellows have it. Bridges is no-nonsense, solid, insightful and very popular. He understands the gospel-centered life from which we can serve God, being transformed into the ways of Christ. You may choose this one or the Swindoll listed above.
On Christian Liberty Martin Luther (Fortress) $9.99 A very short piece, obviously a key notion which help launch the Protestant reformation.
The Dynamics of the Spiritual Life Richard Lovelace (IVP) $30.00 Lovelace has studied renewals and awakenings, from the times of Jonathan Edwards to the Jesus People of the 70s, asking some of the largest questions and offering deep answers. Many consider this book to be a seminal work, classic and vital.
Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin Cornelius Plantinga (Eerdmans) $22.00 Can it be said that a book about the horrors and dysfunctions and violations of sin can be a fun read? This is elegant and wise, insightful and important.
Workbook on the Seven Deadly Sins Maxie Dunham & Kimberly Dunnam Reisman (Abingdon) $13.00 Just like it sounds, this is a helpful guide to working through the historic ideas of the “seven deadlies” and helping us grapple with their deadly influences. Very helpful, written by a popular, upbeat United Methodist leader.
What Your Counselor Never Told You: Seven Secrets Revealed to Conquer the Power of Sin in Your Life William Backus (Bethany Publishing House) $20.00 Another study on the deadly sins and how to replace them with God-given virtues, received as we embrace the grace to repent. Really interesting and exceptionally helpful.
True Spirituality Francis Schaeffer (Tyndale) $13.99 We know of Schaeffer’s insight about history, art, and culture, his gracious outreach to counter-cultural students of the 70s and his powerful influence of evangelicals who think about worldview and cultural reformation. This book is foundational, his insights about submitting to God moment by moment, experiencing Christ’s presence as we increase in wholeness and hope. Wow.
The Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis (HarperOne) $14.99 Is this the most popular Lewis’ books? It is certainly one of his most creative. A set of fictional letters from a lesser demon to his evil boss, as they attack the person they are assigned. Sort of the opposition of a guardian angel.
Christian Mission in the Modern World John Stott (IVP) $8.00 These short, brilliant chapters emerged from the early Lausanne movement, working on how to embrace mission in a pluralistic world, how to balance words and deeds, how authentic evangelical mission can transform lives and cultures. As timely now as ever, by the late hero of informed, balanced evangelical thought.
Prayer Power Unlimited J. Oswald Sanders (Discovery House) $9.99 There are so many great books on prayer it is difficult to pick one or two to teach. This is truly a contemporary classic, fruitfully used by many.
Community of the King Howard Snyder (InterVarsity Press) $18.00 In my opinion, this is one of the very best books I’ve ever read on the nature of the church, and how we are to be a community that models and proclaims the Kingdom of God. Very important.
Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer (HarperOne) $13.99 Well, speaking of great books about the church, this is, indeed, a true classic, pastoral, deeply spiritual letters written under the Nazi repression.
Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World? Ronald J. Sider (Baker) $15.00 This explores the sad truth that many who hold to high evangelical doctrine and historic orthodox faith still don’t live very differently then their secular neighbors. A robust analysis and hope-filled call to faithfulness in every area of life.
Louder Than Words: The Power of Uncompromised Living Andy Stanley (Multnomah) $13.99 This upbeat book helps us to be people of integrity, relating what we know with how we live. Basic, but truly important.
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