Here are some fascinating connecting links. We think they will offer a glimpse of what we’re all about and may be helpful in your journey towards faithful and thoughtful Christian living. Of course, we don’t endorse everything in these journals or organizations; we just invite you to explore with us…
- Academic Faithfulness
- Art House America
- catapult magazine
- Comment
- The High Calling
- Ransom Fellowship
- Washington Institute
- Flourish
- Garden to the City
- Books and Culture
- The Discerning Reader
- Clapham Institute
- Call to Renewal
- Wendell Berry
- The Simple Way
- Coalition for Christian Outreach
- Jubilee Conference
- The Center for Parent / Youth Understanding
- Think Christian
- Transforming Center
- Emergent Village
- Desiring God
- C.S. Lewis Institute
- Christian Century
- Institue for Christain Studies
- David Naugle’s website
- Calvin Institue for Christian Worship
- Discipleship Journal Magazine
- PRISM Magazine
- Sojourners
- Bread for the World Anti-Hunger Lobby
- Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion
- Christianity Today
- Modern Liturgy
- Trinity Forum
- Center for Public Justice
- Breakpoint
- Square Halo Books
- MoBia (Museum of Biblical Art)
- Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA)
- Christian Community Development Association
- International Arts Movement
- Paste Magazine
- DeepShift: Everything Must Change
- Leonard Sweet
- American Scientific Affiliate
- Discovery Institute
- Redeemer Center for Faith and Work
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Reformed University Fellowship
- Indeliable Grace Music
- New Monasticism
- L’Abrai
- One Campaign
- Drama of Scripture
- N.T. Wright
- Walter Brueggemann
- Eugene Peterson
- David Dark’s Everyday Apocalypse
- Re:Vision
- Dick Staub
- Kuyperian
- Dooyeweed Center
- Council of Christian Colleges & Universities
- BeliefNet
- Restoring Eden
- Evangelical Environmental Netword
- Catholic Social Action
- Poetry Daily