I mentioned in the last post that one of the great things we did a week or so ago was speak at the Christian Legal Society annual convention, this year held near San Diego, CA. What a delight and honor to be doing a workshop among so many other serious scholars, folks like Gail** and Gordon MacDonald, and a whole host of thoughtful public intellectuals, legal scholars, legal aid workers, religious rights activists, and ordinary attorneys working to serve their clients with integrity. The care that CLS offers for their members was shown to Beth and I, too, as their guests. Plus, it isn’t every day I get to scarf snacks late at night and do a podcast with smart professors and students about the challenges of being a person of faith in the graduate programs we call Law School. You can find that podcast (and my one rambling comment–stick with me, it was 1:00 am—at the Cross & Gavel website, hosted by my hero, Michael Schutt, author of Redeeming Law.)
**I was the only man in the room, by the way, for Gail MacDonald’s amazing talk about her best friends and mentors, mostly dead people she came close to in books. My, my, what a lover of biography, and what a sturdy talk about being a stout-hearted woman. I literally had tears in my eyes as she read excerpts from the wife of Jonathan Edwards, the humble wife of Oswald Chambers (who was with him only a few years before his untimely death) and the extraordinary work and witness of Ruth Bell Graham, who had become a friend of Gail in her time of need. Thank goodness for older mentors who can tell us of the lasting power of reading.
And so, I said that I had a handout at the event, a briefly annotated mammoth listing of books about reading, books about worldview formation and calling, books about public life and political responsibility, and a handful about lawyering. Even if the last few for lawyers aren’t interesting to you, the rest sure should be! Here is the link to our monthly column, October 2009. I called it “Making Prominent the Printed Page: Developing a Christian Worldview by Reading Widely.”
I know the sort of readers we have here at BookNotes and you are mostly customers and friends who want resources for yourself and others that help your Christian faith be more than only worship and liturgy, more than private devotions or church involvement. For Biblical people, faith is a way of life and Trinitarian worship and spirituality centers us for the “journey outward.”
We thank you for the privilege of telling of these titles in the crowded space of your in-box. I trust that some of these descriptions will pique your interest, some will re-affirm aspects of your theological/intellectual journey, some will challenge you to want to dig deeper into the need to read widely, think deeply, and apply faith in responsible ways into every zone of our broken culture. I trust you will click on this link over to the monthly review column, and enjoy my colorful description of these great, great books. I am sure a few will sound familiar. I am equally sure you will be surprised by a few new ones. Please help us spread the word, copying at least parts of this and sending it on to somebody who might be happy to see such a list of rich titles. Thanks.
Just click above on the “reviews” tab and see the archive of monthly longer pieces that I do (most) every month. These random covers are just a few you’ll find…
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