ONE MORE DAY for the N.T. Wright sale

We’ve extended the N.T. Wright sale for one more day.  We’re calling a halt to this mad sale atsale-sign.jpg midnight, Saturday night. 

Ya snooze, ya lose.

(And thanks to those who have responded so far.  It is gratifying to know that folks really are reading the blog.  Sometimes one wonders, and to know we’ve got a tribe of friends who care about books–who “read for the Kingdom”—is a joy and encouragement.)

NTWright-thumb-275x329-4737.jpgWant to know if your interested?  Heard some funky stuff about Tom’s views?  Read him for yourself, and we are confident you will be blessed. Agree fully or not, this is truly “must read” Christian literature. Our offers are the best prices around, on several of his paperbacks, and the three latest hardcovers. Call us up or send an email order.  Eager to serve you, happy to help.

Here is a link to a recent chapel talk at Wheaton College.  Very, very nice.  He tells the students to memorize Ephesians and preaches from a few key verses, showing their place in the book.  Would that all our Episcopalians would preach like that.  Would that all our preachers of any sort would break open the Word in this way.

Here are videos of all the Wheaton talks, friends offering critique (and his replies.)  You know I’m partial to Walsh & Keesmaat, and it will knock your capitalist socks off, if you’ve got any left.   You’ll have to open your Bible, though, as the exegesis is serious. 

Here is the N.T. Wright page, where you can see articles, sermons, hear lectures and come to a fuller understanding of his large body of work.

Here is a review of the latest book, After You Believe, which explains it all quite nicely. It’s from a blog called “Kingdom People” written by a thoughtful Reformed Baptist fellow.  Note the other archived pieces, including an interview with Wright, a discussion of John Piper’s critique (on justification) and some other stuff especially important to evangelicals who have reason to fret that Wright is perhaps proposing views that are less than fully orthodox.

Here is another review by a theologically conservative author.  I link to it because it shows a generous reading from a guy who may have some concerns about other aspects of Wright’s work.  Would that all critics would be so fair and appreciative.
You can see our prices in the previous BookNotes post.  Spread the word, ASAP. Thanks.

This takes you to the secure order form page at our website, where you can pay with a credit card or ask us to send you a bill.  We will confirm promptly, except on Sunday when we are closed.

Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street  Dallastown, PA  17313     717.246.333