I sincerely hope you zip over to the monthly review column to browse the list that we just posted. It starts off with some family announcements and expressions of gratitude for your care for our kids—Marissa is off to Calvin College and Steph is spending some time at a monastery this week. Which led me quite naturally to naming some books about the recent interest in monastic life, the spiritual practices we can learn from those who have lived the contemplative life, and then other good books that have come out recently on spirituality.
There are some grand ones, and I described them in some detail. We think you will like reading about them. I hope you might consider sending this on to others who might appreciate this sort of resource, those who are looking to find just the right book to ponder this summer. It feels like a good time for some leisurely self-reflection and prayerfulness and I have this sense that some of these will be important for some of our tribe. None of these are simplistic and all are quite new.
I listed some DVD curriculum on spirituality as well. These are not all new, but are suitable for small groups, summer Sunday school, or your own personal growth. I offered links so you can see trailers or promos for each, which I think you’ll enjoy perusing.
This list means a lot to us and I hope you find it helpful. Here are just a few of the bookcovers of the titles we review. Check out the full reviews here.
We’ve got these all on sale over at the monthly column, too. Use our certified secure website for credit card orders, or you may request that we just send you an invoice so you can pay later by check. Hope we can get some of these splendid resources to you soon. Thanks.