For those who subscribe to BookNotes, I hope you didn’t mind getting that long review in your inbox yesterday. (And if you don’t subscribe, you can do so at the website.)
That new book which I celebrated and commended, The Good of Politics: A Biblical, Historical and Contemporary Introduction, by James W. Skillen (published by Baker Academic in their “engaging culture” series) is so thoughtful and important that it demanded a longer review. And I didn’t even get into all the details of this strong book.
Many think my ordinary BookNotes are themselves a bit, uh, wordy.
I know, I know. It violates all the marketing guidance, the social media rules, all the conventional wisdom about being short and sweet. Still, I believe many of our best customers want content, and it is what we do, describing and selling books, not just showing them, or listing the data about them. Any faceless on-line place can do that.
We know that many who visit our website or subscribe to our free BookNotes blog are true friends of Hearts & Minds who see themselves as connected to our work and are quite eager to read along. You are readers and book-buyers, after all, and you want our input, for which we are appreciative beyond words. Your story intersects with our story here, in many ways, and we are grateful for that. So we want to tell you about a lot of books, and we want to explain the settings and contexts of them and why we think you might want them. We are humbled that you trust us to do this.
It’s not that long, really.
The offer we make at the end — every book mentioned is 20% off plus we’re sending an older one along for free for anyone who orders, still stands. Thanks for reading.
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