I hate to alarm anyone, but parking our big rented U-Haul right by our store’s back door, and lugging literally hundreds of boxes out the door does give the impression we’re closing down and moving out.

It was one of the motivating reasons I put together my book, Serious Dreams: Bold Ideas for the Rest of your Life, that hopefully captures some of what we’ve learned at Jubilee over the years, about integrating faith and work, serving God in little ways and in big dreams, helping young adults find God’s story for their lives. We always come back from Jubilee so impressed with the CCO staff (to whom the book is dedicated, by the way) and the work they do with their college age students.
We should be reminding you about our in-store event here in Dallastown with Jubilee speaker Michael Wear on March 10th (I hope you saw our review of his book Reclaiming Hope: Lessons Learned in the Obama White House About the Future of Faith in America) or our in-store coloring event on March 21st with Chris Rodkey, author of the Coloring Through Lent devotional I reviewed last week.
Our staff are here ready to continue to mail order’s out, so let us know what we can do to serve you.
We wanted to share this video of Jon Tyson (pastor of Trinity Grace in New York City and co-author of Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You’ve Only Heard About) of his Saturday night Jubilee talk two years ago.Once he gets warmed up he explains “the Jubilee vision” as clearly as nearly anyone in the conference’s history. It’s well worth watching. He will be speaking Friday night this year, and we look forward to hearing him again.
And, just because some have asked, here’s my own talk from last year’s Jubilee where I had the great privilege of doing one of the Sunday morning presentations. It’s on big hope, and maybe it will help you in these troubled times in our nation. It was the fourth in a series of Jubilee talks, each done by different speakers, on the big Biblical story starting with creation, lamenting the fall into sin and alienation, the truth of Christ’s redemption, and the big hope of restoration.
Those four “chapters” of the Biblical worldview have been the framework for Jubilee in recent years — students really appreciate seeing their lives making sense as they understand this narrative of how the Bible makes sense of things. Anyway, I’m wrapping up the conference and get a bit enthusiastic. Sorry to shout.
Well, it’s a big event, a good part of our story, and we wanted you to be a part of it too. Thanks.
Please pray for us, if you can. As I wrote to somebody the other day, we’re working 18 + hour days getting reading for the biggest thing we do, the Jubilee conference out in Pittsburgh (a college student event that we helped develop 41 years ago about the Lordship of Christ over all of life and integrating faith/learning in various vocations and studies) and our big display of nearly 150 categories. It’s just crazy-making, keeping it all straight, finding the right stuff, juggling the various topics from Christian views of engineering to film to education to counseling to politics to math and on and on, lugging boxes here and there from our overstock room in the basement. We rent a big truck and load it Tuesday and Wednesday and drive to Pittsburgh late Wednesday so we can start setting up early Thursday. It takes two whole days, with some volunteer help. We’re pretty stressed by it all…We really do covet your prayers — I’ve got a lingering cough that has me dragging, and we all are sore from all the lifting and lugging. Yesterday the computer/printer wasn’t working right when Beth is making signs for all the speakers who have books so the tech struggles are particularly frustrating and time consuming. She spends days on it… we’re just exhausted, and the fun hasn’t even begun.But once we get there, the ministry with books and counseling students is so rich and rewarding we serve non-stop through the power of the Spirit (and adrenaline and caffeine that friends bring us like manna.) There is nothing like it that we do all year. We hope we make a difference for God’s good work, to Christ’s glory. We hope people know that we really believe in reading as an act of Christian growth, as an act of discipleship and as a way to learn about our responsibilities in the world God loves. I sometimes shout out, “Read for the Kingdom!”And while your praying, pray for our family and staff. My mom turns 90 today, and our staff are valiant holding down the fort in Dallastown while we’re away.Check it out at www.jubileeconference.com
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