As a small-town bookseller with a bit of a national customer base (as they inelegantly call our friends and BookNotes fans) I fret a lot over some things. For instance, I do not want to appear as if we are capitalizing on a national tragedy. We have a good list of books about gun violence and thoughtful titles about faith-based resistance to the idolatry of weapons, but we never want to run a post on that right after a school shooting or episode of mass violence. It just feels unseemly, and even though folks are more likely to buy books about that, then, I don’t want to be seen as exploiting a tragedy.
Similarly, we rarely try to sell the books of authors who have recently passed. (My two recent BookNotes posts about the writings of our dear friend Leslie Bustard being exceptions.) For instance, I just couldn’t bring myself to create a list of books by my friend Ron Sider when he died not long ago, although I wanted to and will eventually. We don’t want to seem pushy or callous to the grief of family members of folks that most of us don’t really know personally, even if it would be timely to offer such a list. From Frederick Buechner to Mike Gerson to Albert Borgman, this past year has seen the loss of important writers and spokespersons for the sort of faith perspective in which we stand. I hardly wrote at all about their good books, sensing it was just too soon.
A trusted friend or two suggested, though, that it might be helpful for folks to learn about the good books written by the late Timothy Keller. The internet is ablaze with great tributes and testimonials, some very well done and important. See, just for a few (these shared by the excellent Faith Angle Forum) for instance:
David Brooks, “Tim Keller taught me about Joy” (New York Times)
Francis Collins, “A tribute to my friend, Tim Keller” (BioLogos)
Collin Hansen and Matt Lewis, “On Tim Keller’s legacy” (The Matt Lewis Show)
Michael Luo, “The far-seeing faith of Tim Keller” (The New Yorker)
Michael Wear, “The surprise of Tim Keller” (Comment)
Peter Wehner, “My friend, Tim Keller” (The Atlantic)
I met Tim several times, and talked to him on occasion, but we were nowhere near being close. Yet, I am mad about that cancer and sad for his family, friends and colleagues. I hope that our sharing this list doesn’t seem opportunistic. We think highly of his work and think our community of readers should consider his stuff (even for those of us, like myself, who have some misgivings about some of his views and disagree with some of his positions.) Here, then, is a list of most of his major works.
You can, as always, order these by using the link (scroll down to the end) to our secure order form page at our Hearts & Minds website. We will deduct our BookNotes 20% off all orders for any book listed and write back personally to confirm everything before we ship from our central Pennsylvania shop. We would be delighted to serve you in this way. Order on!!
The City for God: Essays Honoring the Work of Timothy Keller edited by Ned Bustard (Square Halo Books) $24.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $19.99
I’ve reviewed this at length at BookNotes and have to remind you now that this came out less than a year ago, a great collection of inspiring and thought-provoking pieces by colleagues, friends, and those who simply take seriously his model of ministry. You will find pieces from Bill Edgar and Denis Haack, from Annie Nardone and Charlie Peacock, from Katherine Alsdorf and Jenny Chang, to name only a few. There is a great forward by Russell Moore. This is not as well known as it ought to be —it’s really, really good.
Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation Collin Hansen (Zondervan) $26.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $21.59
Again, this has garnered rave reviews, including a big shout-out at BookNotes where I exclaimed that it is absolutely fascinating. Whether one knows the authors and teachers and movements which have influenced Tim or not, it’s very cool to have this astute genealogy of his influences. He is not your typical evangelical megachurch pastor nor is he a typical social activist or edgy provocateur. His nonpartisan balance and winsome wisdom and insight makes him unique as an evangelical leader, His passion for a gospel-centered sense of grace which motivates folks to love God by serving neighbors in all sectors of life is nearly unique — perhaps seen within the Dutch strains of neo-Calvinism — and this book traces his varied influences. It is simply marvelous, recommended by the likes of historian George Marsden and African-American Bible study leader, Jackie Hill Perry, and the ever gracious Richard Mouw. Agree fully or not (who would?) this is a great read, and very highly recommended.
Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
Published first in hardcover in 2008, this was, I think, his break-out book, with over a million copies sold. It is elegant, rigorous, culturally savvy, and provides intellectually credible replies to those with standard questions such as “Why does God allow suffering?” or “How can there only be one true religion?” or “Does a loving God send people to hell?” Library Journal called it “convincing and refreshing” and The Washington Post’s review said it was “A tight, accessible case for reasoned religious belief.” He describes the “new age of skepticism” and replies with thoughtfulness and grace. A few suggested he is a new C.S. Lewis, faithfully bringing together reason and imagination, cultural and literary awareness, who drew on Tolkien.
Making Sense of God: Finding God in the Modern World Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
A few years after Reason for God released, Keller tells us, he started to realize that the answers proffered there didn’t seem to take, weren’t the same questions the secular elite in his Manhattan circles were then asking. He had to dig deeper, back up, invite folks to ask questions about their presumed secular starting point and very notion of God. Considered “revelatory and thought-provoking”, Making Sense is for undecided seekers, secular skeptics, (and believers needing to understand the contemporary zeitgeist and the presumption that talk of God is not even sensible, let alone true or good or beautiful.) In many ways, this is more than a radical update to Reason for God but a prequel, a study of whether faith and religion can offer anything in the modern world, more foundational than the previous one. Deep and very, very impressive.
Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter Timothy Keller (Penguin) $17.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $13.60
Those who have peeked at my adult Sunday school class on my Facebook page the last few weeks know that I have highlighted this with enthusiasm. It is a personal favorite, a delightful (if rigorous) exploration of the Biblical notion of hope. Christian hope, of course, is grounded in the reality and truthfulness of the vindicating bodily resurrection of Christ. In that regard, this explains Easter and explores what resurrection means. He says N.T. Wright’s magisterial Resurrection and the Son of God cannot be bettered as a Biblical and historical foundation, so he did not try; rather, this is pastoral, sermonic, an explanation of the aspects of hope we can embody, now. There are twelve excellent chapters and I love how near the end he cites Noel Paul Stookey’s old song “Building Block.” That’s it! Hope in Times of Fear is a great, great book.
Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ Timothy Keller (Penguin) $16.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $12.80
This is short, even as a compact-sized paperback (shaped like some of his others, like Prodigal God or Counterfeit Gods, for instance.) Still, it is mature and thoughtful, a sophisticated exploration of the historical reliability and fullest meaning of the Christmas narrative. Concise, yes, but thoughtful. Publishers Weekly says it is “a great gift book . . . Keller achieves his pastoral goal of teaching Christmas’s most important message –God alone has the life, truth, and joy that we lack and cannot generate ourselves — and in doing so, provides solace for those who seek it.”
The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope That Matters Timothy Keller (Penguin) $17.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $13.60
A short, very powerful must-read. He is not the first to look at this trio of contemporary idols, but what is so good is how he looks — as he often does — at sort of the cultural big picture and yet invites us to consider the deepest matters of our own hearts. His gospel-centered approach becomes clear when he insists that if our identity or trust is in these things, that is supplanting authentic trust in Christ. It’s the “sin beneath the sin.” None of these things in the good creation are bad in and of themselves, of course, but if we build our lives around their empty promises, we fall into danger. Excellent.
Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
So odd that some feared that Tim was “woke” and talking about urban problems, race, and justice too much — a patently silly and even offensive concern. This shows his deeply gospel-centered approach: Generous Justice spends considerable time explaining the cross and the doctrine of justification which then propels us to work for justice. We experience God’s generosity and can therefore be gracious; we know His justice so we become those who are just in the world. Short and exceptional.
Every Good Endeavor: Connection Your Work to God’s Work Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
In many ways, this is one of his most important books. Co-author Katherine Leary Alsdorf worked in the corporate world for many successful years before trusting Christ as an adult and being grasped by a full-orbed, Reformed world-and-life view and helping Tim start the Redeemer Center for Faith and Work. Lots has been written on this topic of relating faith and spirituality to our work in the marketplace but this remains the cream of the crop. A must. I thank God for this most potent study.
Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference edited by Timothy Keller & John Inazu (Thomas Nelson) $18.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $15.19
This is a book that came out of a lovely evening at Redeemer with Keller and Inazu speaking together on what some political theorists called “principled pluralism” and John’s stunning University of Chicago book Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference. More than mere civility but a deeper struggle to create space for varying worldviews and to thereby speak winsomely into the cultural divides, this vision led them to compile a book that is fun and exciting, mature and wise. A great handful of writers, artists, thinkers, and other public advocates share their stories about living well, letting their light shine in healthy ways. That Keller used his New York (and national and even international) platform to amplify John’s book and that they collaborated on inviting other young thinkers – from hip hop artist Lecrae to writer Tish Harrison Warren to justice advocate Kristen Deede Johnson and more — to contribute to Uncommon Ground is a great gift. A fabulous, readable, inspiring book. Keller has two relatively short pieces in here, by the way, an important introduction and a great concluding chapter.
How to Reach the West Again: Six Essential Elements of a Missionary Encounter Timothy Keller (Redeemer City to City) $4.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $3.99
This is a 2020 manifesto of sorts, perhaps a talk given, where Tim outlines the nature of authentic and fruitful missionary encounters. Of course those who follow his work, and the missional shoulders he stands on (from Bavinck and Kuyper to Lesslie Newbigin to James Hunter) will notice that our winsome witness among our North American neighbors for the gospel must take some lessons from global missionary thinking and practice. Since we live in a post-Christian culture, we have to build bridges and serve well. How can we make the gospel plausible and attractive? This sweeping document offers great insights.
Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City Timothy Keller (Zondervan) OUR SALE PRICE = $36.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $29.59
This book is a slightly oversized hardback textbook laying out Keller’s vision of the role of a missional in the city. There is so much in here that I can hardly believe any pastor would want to be without it. We have one or two left, but it is out of print. That is fine, though, as they took the three parts of the book and reprinted them in three separate paperback volumes (see immediately below.) In this newer, three-book series they have asked other authors to give feedback and friendly critique to Tim’s important work to which he has added a new chapter in response. This makes the three paperbacks so much better than the one big hardback. Hooray.
Shaped by the Gospel: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City Timothy Keller with additional chapters by Michael Horton and Dane Ortlund (Zondervan) $15.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $12.79
This is the first unit of the big Center Church with two extra chapters pushing Tim on what he means by “balanced, gospel-centered” ministry. You may know Horton as a seriously Reformed scholar and writer and you may know of Dane whose recent Gentle and Lowly has been hugely popular. They each contribute some new content for this paperback and then Tim responds. Shaped by the Gospel is an updated, expanded version of Part I of Center Church.
Loving the City: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City Timothy Keller with additional chapters by Gabriel Salguero, Daniel Strange & Andy Crouch (Zondervan) $18.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $15.19
Oh my, this is a paperback reprint of the big middle section of Center Church which added three great pieces by three extraordinary writers deeply engaged in cultural renewal. I assume you may know the names of Gabriel Salguero and Daniel Strange and Andy Crouch, each who have done good books. Tim’s reply is humble and in robust conversation with them. Loving the City is the expanded version of Part II of Center Church. Yay. My favorite of the three.
Serving a Movement: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City Timothy Keller with additional chapters by Tim Chester, Daniel Montgomery, Mike Cosper, & Alan Hirsch (Zondervan) $18.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $15.19
This one reprints the third portion of Center Church that offers a somewhat ecumenical and somewhat global vision of connecting your own congregation to what God is doing in other churches, organizations, and movements, inviting us to understand our missional efforts as part of a larger movement for renewal and social change. As with the previous two, Serving a Movement reprints a portion of the big hardback, adds four pieces by four stellar activists and thinkers, with a concluding response by Tim. This is Part III of what was formerly Center Church, with the extra content. Yes!
Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road Timothy Keller (P&R) $14.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $11.99
Many don’t know this one, but it was Keller’s first book, written before he went to New York. On one hand, this offers a wholistic vision of missional care, especially for the needy and outcast; we need solid, clear books like this and it is fine. In his seminary years Keller was deeply influenced by the likes of Harvie Conn (whose intense little paperback Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace remains a classic in my book.) Besides the Biblical basis for social concern and wholistic outreach around human need, Keller here offers some specific advice for deacons and those doing compassionate ministry. It was updated a bit a few years ago with a new forward. Nice.
(Speaking of firsts, I am not positive about this but I think his first published chapter was in It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God published by our friends at Square Halo Books.)
Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism (Penguin) $17.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $13.60
This is another of those small, compact sized paperbacks that are so handy to hold. But don’t let the size fool you — this is a substantive, fine book on preaching, and is good for anyone who teaches Sunday school or does youth ministry or works in chaplaincy or campus ministry. He believes in expository preaching but also knows that many who are not ordained do public proclamation of the gospel, so this is good for all.
I think it is all quite good but one chapter is worth the price of the book. In Keller-esque fashion, he explores the nature of the context of our speaking; naturally, he looks at the secularization of the times and draws (of course) on Charles Taylor. Tim was very impressed with How (Not) to Be Secular, James K.A. Smith’s serious summary of Taylor’s nearly impenetrable philosophical text, The Secular Age, but for those whom even Jamie’s book was a bit much, this one chapter in Preaching which shows the usefulness of knowing just a bit about professor Taylor’s take on contemporary culture and belief is very, very good.
Worship by the Book Mark Ashton, Kent Hughes & Timothy Keller (Zondervan) $16.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $13.59
You may not think of this as a Keller volume, since he only wrote one third of it. Three different gentlemen offer their own stories of how they have arranged the worship experiences in their growing congregations. Ashton is a liturgical Anglican; Hughes is a more free church evangelical, and Keller is a classy Presbyterian. I think this is the only accessible place where Keller spells out his style of worship which has been so successful in Manhattan. This is a very informative little book, interesting no matter your worship style.
Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms Timothy and Kathy Keller (Viking) $21.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $16.80
Written with his wife during his first cancer diagnosis, and during Kathy’s illness, this year long devotional is handsome, smart, faithful, inviting us into a daily. Routine of reading and praying the Psalms. A compact sized hardback with a ribbon marker, it’s a lovely gift, too.
God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs Timothy and Kathy Keller (Viking) $21.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $16.80
This is arranged like their popular Songs of Jesus devotional, offering here reflections on the Proverbs. It, too, is a compact sized hardback with a ribbon marker, making an excellent gift and useful guide to this book of practical faith.
A Year of Daily Devotions Timothy & Kathy Keller (Viking) $20.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $16.00
This is a lovely, smallish hardback (with a classy ribbon marker) that draws on their book The Meaning of Marriage. As you might expect, it is a bit more intellectual and culturally savvy than many less sophisticated devotionals for couples, but, besides their solid Biblical theology, there is great joy and tenderness and honesty. Very nicely done.
Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
First released as Kings Cross this is drawn from the gospel of Mark. It is truly excellent writing and should be better known and used. In just under 250 pages there are 18 chapters, each with a one-word title. A great introduction to Jesus. Fantastic. Don’t miss it.
The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
I don’t know the national sales figures but it is my sense that this is Keller’s most beloved book, and for good reason. Along with Henri Nouwen’s Return of the Prodigal Son (which Keller applauded approvingly) it is one of the best-selling books among the many books on the parables of Jesus. Two things stand out, besides its thoughtfulness and brevity. He notes to whom the parable was offered — the judgmental Pharisees. Which is to say that the prideful, rule-keeping big brother is who the story is really about; we all need God’s grace and that religiously proper guy didn’t get it. Secondly he tells us what the word “prodigal” means, suggesting that God is the prodigal. What a book.
Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
I suspect that many don’t know this one; its pale cream-colored cover, nice as it is, doesn’t seem to yell at us to pick it up, either. You should. It is a collection of ten stories of those who met Jesus in the gospel of John. The first half is a series of talks that Tim gave in the UK to Oxford University college students. The second are talks he gave — again, people who encountered Jesus in the gospel of John —mostly to a secular group of interested business execs in midtown Manhattan. His introduction alone is worth the price of the book, and his exposition of any one of these stories could be life-changing for somebody you know. Buy a few to give away.
Rediscovering Jonah: The Secret of God’s Mercy Timothy Keller (Penguin) $17.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $13.60
I’m not going to lie. I haven’t read this yet — I’ve just been waiting for the right time. It was first released under the fabulous title The Prodigal Prophet but many were apparently confused, so they got prosaic with the new title of the paperback release. It is a study of the Bible, of mission, a reflection on cross-cultural work, a call to mercy, but of course it is a study of God and the gospel of God. One thrilled customer told us recently it was the best Keller book she has read. Wow.
Galatians For You Timothy Keller (The Good Book Company) $17.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.39
This offers short and easy to read exposition, line by line, part of a larger series of “for You” commentaries. You can imagine that this Reformed preacher has a blast with the freedom of Galatians.
Judges For You Timothy Keller (The Good Book Company) $17.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.39
I find it a bit perplexing, but I’m told by some Redeemer Presbyterian old-timers that when Tim and Kathy started services in New York City in the 1990s he started by preaching through the book of Judges. It was decades later when the Good Book Company started this commentary series, but I suspect the book emerged from those now classic sermons.
Romans 1–7 For You Timothy Keller (The Good Book Company) $17.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.39
Yep, this is a Romans commentary by Keller. Who knew? Part one.
Romans 8–16 For You Timothy Keller (The Good Book Company) $17.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.39
I’m surprised we don’t get more calls for this part of easy to read, solid Bible commentaries. This is, obviously, part two.
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
In my longer review of Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering I noted that it is basically three parts. The first is the philosophical and intellectual questions about theodicy. He helps us “understand the furnace” and various “cultures of suffering.” “Where is God when it hurts?” is a universal question and everyone tries to offer some explanation; he is naturally strong here but suggests that if one is in deep pain or sorrow, it may not be most urgent to tackle. The second part is less heady, focusing on how we face the furnace, theological insights galore. Thirdly, there is the most pastoral portion, studies of characters in the Bible who faced the fire, and survived. There are varieties of suffering, he reminds us, and there are different ways to walk with God through it all. What a meaty, thorough, vivid work.
Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I? Timothy Keller (Viking) $27.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $21.60
This is the most recent book Tim wrote and I refer you to my BookNotes review a month or so ago. Like any of his books — a feature I love — he starts with the bigger picture, exploring how forgiveness is understood in our very contemporary culture. He cites media figures and philosophers, artists and public intellectuals as they each offer the pros and cons of forgiveness. Can we forgive and still demand justice? What of those who have been molested or abused — must they forgive? How do we resist exploitation or racism with a call to forgive? He is wise to struggle with these big questions before getting down to the deeper gospel-centered notions of offering mercy to others and personal guidance for those who may find it hard to live in this sort of grace.
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God Timothy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
One one hand, it makes perfect sense that a God-centered, gospel-oriented, Trinitarian preacher who focused less on self-improvement or even social reforms but more on the character of God and His glory, would be drawn to prayer and would write about this intimate bit of spirituality. Not everyone, though, thinks of Keller (the theologian, the apologist, the activist church planter, the advocate for pluralism and civility) as a man of prayer, but this book makes it clear that he knows what he’s talking about. It is extraordinarily sound and inspiring and practical.
Keller’s opening section — “Why Write a Book on Prayer” — is wonderful. I disagree with his assessment of the usefulness for thoughtful beginners other contemporary books on prayer and prayerfulness (although am glad he says “the best material on prayer has already been written.”) And he knows a lot. Highly recommended.
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller (Penguin) $18.00 OUR SALE PRICE = $14.40
I don’t really need to emphasize up front that I disagree with Tim and Kathy’s view of gender roles or authority in the family structure. I need not dwell on that because even though they are complementarian, their day to day living, it seems, and their advice in this serious Manuel, is more congenial to egalitarians than you may think. In any case, this is a Keller-esque argument for marriage, an appeal to those in the high-minded and fast-paced Manhattan scene where they discovered to their dismay, many young adults didn’t even want to get married. This book is for anyone — married or not, they say — showing forth a Biblical vision of relationships and trust and family to a culture that is unclear and unsupportive of these ancient ways. It’s a Biblically-based apologetic and a practical guide, strong and in many ways lovely.
The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness: The Path to True Christian Joy Timothy Keller (10 of Those Publishing) $4.99 OUR SALE PRICE = $3.99
Do you know this little booklet? It is a hugely popular resource in some circles and is hard to explain. It is about joy and goodness, about grace and gospel, about what happens when our identity is derived less from who God says we are, but rooted in false ideas and bad assumptions. Of course, the counter-cultural sting is here: Jesus says we find ourselves by losing ourselves. The gospel gives us great gifts but at the cost of this upside down idea: we find freedom when we forget about ourselves. To say this is an essay on humility doesn’t do it justice, but that’s the gist. What a great little book, unlike nearly anything he’s done, and deeply foundational for all that he’s done. You should know it.
Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything Video Study DVD Timothy Keller (Redeemer City to City /Zondervan) $41.00 for DVD and Study Book combo OUR SALE PRICE = $32.80
This is one of my all time favorite DVDs to recommend for Sunday school classes or small groups. Gospel in Life is eight weeks and Keller lectures clearly, but briefly (about 10 – 15 minutes on average.) Much of the content has to be processed with Scripture and study questions that come up on the screen, but then, further, with more Scripture and short excerpts of essays that are in the excellent study book. Some DVD curriculum is so vibrant and entertaining that you hardly need a study book — you just sit back and watch. This is not designed to be used in that way. To plumb the depths of the excellent content one has to reflect and process it, so everybody needs their own study book. (Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything Study Guide; $12.99 – OUR SALE PRICE = $10.39.)
Keller’s eight-week study of the gospel and the ways to live it out in everyday life explains how Scripture can change people’s hearts, the community, and how Christians live in the world. It starts with the theme of place (“the city”) and our home now, the world as it is. It ends with the eternal city, that which is to come. In between, “you will look at how the gospel changes your heart (including the “sin beneath the sin” of idolatry) changes your community (“the context for change” he insists) and how we witness to an alternative city, a Kingdom way of life. There is a presentation on work (“cultivating the garden”) and one on justice (being “people for others.”) This is the best curriculum offering an overview of the Christian life that I know of.
The Prodigal God: Finding Your Place at the Table Video Study DVD Timothy Keller (Redeemer City to City /Zondervan) $41.00 for DVD and Study Book combo OUR SALE PRICE = $32.80
This six session program is Keller at his best, eloquent and elegant, standing in front of a large, modern, uncluttered table. It is a good staging design for the set and, of course, is based on his book exploring what he thinks may be Jesus’s best known and yet least understood parable.
This is captivating stuff, and the participants guide has good questions helping your small group or class “glean insights from each of the chapters in Jesus’ parable; the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the father who lavishes love on both.”
The first session offers the full film which runs about 40 minutes. The remaining sessions then each offer a 2 – 3 minute excerpt or recap, to help with continuity and further deeper discussion.
The Meaning of Marriage: A Vision for Married and Single People Video Study DVD Timothy & Kathy Keller (Redeemer City to City / Zondervan) $41.00. $41.00 for DVD and Study Book combo OUR SALE PRICE = $32.80
This is a six session curriculum based on the best selling book. It features a real small group that has gathered with Tim and Kathy who both speak and share. The six sessions are each about 20 – 25 minutes long and the study book is excellently put together.
Topics include Service (Marriage Isn’t About You). Covenant (Created to Make Promises), Roles (Loving Through Mutual Submission), Singleness (Strengthening the Spiritual Family), Sex (The Act of Covenant Renewal), and Hope (Seeing the Great Horizon.) Lovely, thoughtful, fun, even, watching them laugh and teach together. Interestingly, in the group are some who are not convinced of Christian beliefs but find the principles compelling.
The Reason for God Video Study: Conversations on Faith and Life DVD Timothy Keller (Redeemer City to City /Zondervan) $41.00 for DVD and Study Book combo OUR SALE PRICE = $32.80
In this six-session small group DVD study, The Reason for God, captures live and unscripted conversations between Tim Keller and a group of people gathered to address their doubts and objections to Christianity. Throughout, Keller and the group candidly explore the questions of the plausibility and truth of Christianity. He brings his particular theological tradition and winsome style to bear on these questions — each session is about 15 – 20 minutes or so: “Isn’t the Bible a Myth?”, “How Can You Say There Is Only One Way to God?”, “What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life?”, “Why Does God Allow Suffering?”, “Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice?”, and “How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time?” You are invited to chime in, sharing your own replies and your own evaluations of Keller’s arguments. What a great conversation to have with skeptics, seekers, or believers…
I heard a recording of Reverend Keller getting an award for his contribution to publishing and he noted that he is a public speaker and preacher first and a writer only secondly. He has worked hard at the craft of writing and applauds his editors. As usual, he is humble and neither prideful nor self deprecating; just honest. What you see is what you get. Interestingly, when asked not long ago about his legacy he didn’t seem to be very interested in the question. I do know he hope people read his books and are somehow drawn to Christ through them all. Not a bad legacy, really, eh? What a catalog of resources to help you grow and for you to share with others.
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Hearts & Minds 234 East Main Street Dallastown PA 17313
Sadly, we are still closed for in-store browsing. COVID is not fully over. Since few are reporting their illnesses anymore, it is tricky to know the reality but the best measurement is to check the water tables to see the amount of virus in the eco-system. It’s important to be particularly aware of how risks we take might effect the public good. It is complicated for us, so we are still closed for in-store browsing due to our commitment to public health (and the safety of our family, staff, and customers.) The vaccination rate here in York County is sadly lower than average. Our store is a bit cramped without top-notch ventilation, so we are trying to be wise.
Please, wherever you are, do your best to be sensitive to those who are most at risk. Many of our friends, neighbors, co-workers, congregants, and family members may need to be protected since more than half of Americans (it seems) have medical reasons to worry about longer hazards from even seemingly mild COVID infections. Thanks for understanding.
We are doing our famous curb-side and back yard customer service and can show any number of items to you if you call us from our back parking lot. It’s sort of fun, actually. We are eager to serve and grateful for your patience as we all work to mitigate the pandemic. We are very happy to help do if you are in the area, do stop by.
Of course, we’re happy to ship books anywhere.
We are here 10:00 – 6:00 EST / Monday – Saturday. Closed on Sunday.