Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger Ron Sider (Word) Certainly the best introduction to Biblical passages about economics, poverty and justice. A classic!
The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith James Halteman (Herald) This Mennonite economist offers solid Biblical discussion about market theories, etc.
Capitalism & Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society Bob Goudzwaard (Paternoster Press) A brilliant survey of the faith in progress and the secularized economic theories that undergird both capitalism and Marxism. Essential!
Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward an Economy of Care Bob Goudzwaard & Harry de Lange (Eerdmans) A helpful study showing the connections of ecological issues and poverty and the West’s idolatrous commitment to economic growth. An important contribution from eminent Dutch economists.
Alternatives to Global Capitalism Ulrich Duchrow ((International Books) A very serious study which is drawn from Biblical history and designed for political action.
Globalization and the Kingdom of God Bob Goudzwaard (Center for Public Justice) This former member of the Dutch parliament and esteemed Christian economist presented a lecture which examines the way in which our world is rapidly becoming a “global village.” Following his chapter, three other Christian scholars respond, making this a useful, provocative and thoughtful book.