Foundations for developing a Christian worldview

Taking Discipleship Seriously: A Radical Biblical Approach Tom Sine (Judson) A slim volume packed full of energetic and passionate Biblical explorations on the shape of whole-life service in the Kingdom of God. A great starter for thinking about Christian cultural engagement.
Living Like Jesus: Eleven Essentials for Growing a Genuine Faith Ron Sider (Baker) Although at first glance a standard book on basic Christian growth, Sider calls us to Christian faithfulness in every zone of life–from serving the poor to thinking Christianly, from being faithful in relationships to serving as wise stewards of the Earth. Few books of basic discipleship so nicely invite us to a whole-life perspective, seeking to serve as salt and light of the coming Kingdom of God.
Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to Radically Change Your World Bob Briner (Zondervan) An easy-to-read primer, this is chock-full of nice stories and dramatic efforts. This esteemed leader in sports media invites us to get involved in shaping culture, serving as God’s agents, invading all spheres of society to be Christ’s witnesses. Very basic and a great starting point.
Plowing in Hope: Toward a Biblical Theology of Culture David Hegeman (Canon Press) God has called us to create culture, to open up the world in ways that are life-giving, Christ-honoring and creationally-appropriate. This brief survey of that mandate is very solid Biblically and invites us to rethink our foundational assumptions.
Creation Regained: Biblical Basis for a Reformational Worldview Al Wolters (Eerdmans) One of the most basic texts which shows that the Bible gives us a unique worldview. Four solid chapters spell out the impact of Christ’s redemption for the distortions causes by sin in every area of life; hence, the title. This no-nonsense little Bible study could change your life!
Heaven Is Not My Home: Living in the Now of God’s Creation Paul Marshall (Word) Sadly now out of print and only available from Hearts & Minds, this exciting book includes Christian perspectives in various sides of life–from art to politics, work to rest, education to worship. What a magnificent call to serve God totally, thinking and living before God’s face and for His glory.
The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Biblical Worldview Brian Walsh & Richard Middleton (IVP) Perhaps the most strategic book on our list, this is a comprehensive look at worldviews, necessary Biblical teaching, discerning cultural analyses and the radical call to think Christianly, especially in the university. A must-read!
Subversive Christianity: Imaging God in Dangerous Times Brian Walsh (Alta Vista) Four thoughtful messages, each building on the whole-life discipleship and framework presented in Transforming Vision. Here, Walsh passionately asks why, if we are thinking Christianly and serving God across every zone of life, are we not making a Kingdom impact? His answer is urgent and much needed!
How Now Shall We Live? Charles Colson & Nancy Pearcey (Tyndale) Colson has said that this is his life’s work, the book which is his most important. It is, like the above, a plea to see life in light of Biblical categories, to think Christianly and to allow our theological perspective guide our every thought and deed. With such a vision we can create a groundswell of cultural reformation. A truly significant book.
The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life Os Guinness (Word) One of our all-time favorites, this eloquent and elegant book gently calls us to a faith seen as response to God’s decisive call to us in Jesus Christ. Very well written, this is one of the great books of our time!
The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior in the University Years Steven Garber (IVP) Few campus workers have been as committed to thinking how to help students think and live Christianly as Dr. Garber, and his profound, fascinating and important study has been considered by many to be nearly a classic. Not a simple read, but richly rewarding, this is a treasure-trove of stories, insights, testimonies and cultural discernment. For advanced students, this is a must-have, must-live book to read and re-read.
Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling James Sire (IVP) Sire has written widely in the fields of worldview, the discipleship of the mind and the need to be serious readers. Here, in his most passionate and personal work, he invites us to use our minds in a manner consistent with our deepest worldview and in Christ’s service.
In the Fields of the Lord: A Calvin Seerveld Reader edited by Craig Bartholomew (Toronto Tuppence) Few writers embody a transforming vision and creation-restored worldview as the unique writer, Bible scholar, art historian and Christian philosopher Dr. Calvin Seerveld This extraordinary collection gathers together a diverse array of his lectures, sermons, meditations and articles on everything from daily work to the need for a reformational Christian philosophy. Truly a rare anthology from one of the most amazing writers alive today.
Creating a Christian Worldview: Abraham Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism Peter Heslam (Eerdmans) One hundred years ago, Abraham Kuyper, pastor, theologian, revival leader, journalist and Prime Minister of the Netherlands delivered five seminal lectures at Princeton, proclaiming a neo-Calvinistic worldview and developing a Christian perspective in the arts, commerce, science and politics. This important book tells the extraordinary story of Kuyper’s vision and the dramatic, historical impact it has made, even to this day. This is a story which must be known and told.


Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul John Beckett (IVP) Easy to read, brief and loaded with real-world stories of serving God in the world of business. A great starter book, wise and practical.

Business Through the Eyes of Faith Shirley Roels, Richard Chewning & John Eby (HarperCollins) Probably the best text for thinking Christianly about most aspects of the business enterprise. Raises huge questions and offers truly Christian insights.

The Life@Work Book Edited by Life@Work (Word) Sixteen respected corporate leaders talk clearly about blending Biblical wisdom and business leadership excellence. The best starter guide for leaders and managers.

The Monday Connection William Diehl (HarperSanFransico) A useful and real-world study of the challenges and demands of being faithful in the work-world of corporations. Great examples of the authors efforts to “bridge the gap” between Sunday and Monday.

Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace Alexander Hill (IVP) Seriously explores foundational Christian concepts–holiness, justice, love–and applies them to business ethics. Includes penetrating and provocative case studies.

The Fabric of This World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice and the Design of Human Work Lee Hardy (Eerdmans) A more general book than just about working in the business world, this study on the notion of calling is most often explored in the corporate setting. A very useful section studies various schools of thought about management from a solid Christian worldview.

Business as a Calling: Work and the Examine Life Michael Novak (Free Press) Although not an entry-level book, this serious reflection has gathered very serious reviews. A conservative Catholic economist and philosopher, this affirms capitalism, illuminates key ethical issues and re-moralizes business.


Communicating for Life: Christian Stewardship in Community and Media Quetin Schultze (Baker) The definitive book for communication majors, those interested in mass media or public relations. Very, very good.

Seeing Through the Media: A Religious View of Communications and Cultural Analysis Michael Warren (Trinity Press International) A profound and serious critique of contemporary culture and how to evaluate mass media.

Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media Marvin Olasky (Crossway) A hard-hitting book which exposes the problem of bias, linking it to a materialist, humanist worldview which pervades journalism.

How the News Makes Us Dumb C.J. Sommerville (IVP) Without much overt religious language, this wise Christian journalist makes the case for less news, not more.

Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel Jean Kilbourne (Touchstone) Although not from an intentional Christian perspective, this expose of sexism in advertising is both pioneering and crucial.

Computer Sciences

Christians in a .com World Gene Vieth & Chris Stamper (Crossway) A very readable history of computers from an overtly Christian worldview. Happily shows the good things about the internet as well as warning about profound dangers. Asks Christians to be “salt and light” in the arena of cyberspace, using it for cultural reformation. Basic, but quite nice.
Technopoly:The Surrender of Culture to Technology Neil Postman (Vintage) Truly a wise book, this Jewish scholar has given us a vision of resisting turning everything into technique, reducing culture to a technocracy. One very good chapter on computers, although the whole book is worth pondering.
Machine Beauty: Elegance and the Heart of Technology David Gelernter (Basic) Although not overtly Christian, the effort of this author–to integrate aesthetic values such an beauty with computer design projects–is one with which a Biblical worldview would agree. Very nicely done
Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway Clifford Stoll (Anchor) Anyone involved in the field should consider Stoll’s warnings. Not overtly Christian, God may be using this voice to warn against hubris and technological pride.
The War of the Worlds: Cyberspace and the High-tech Assault on Reality Mark Slouka (Basic Books) Like the above title, this non-Christian author has given us a polemic that is incredible to read, a powerful argument against the idolatry of and dangers of the field. Not to be missed nor ignored.
The Invisible Computer Donald Norman (The MIT Press) The subtitle almost says it all: Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer is So Complex, and Information Appliances Are the Solution. Norman has been a key person in some of the most significant places in computer design, and has written a clear book about innovations that are needed, even in the way computer schools teach, making the case for a “human centered” approach. Like the designs he calls for, this book is simple, clear, useful and fun. Christians wanting to make a difference will want to follow some of his suggestions and promote helpful innovations in design and usage.
Virtual Morality: Christian Ethics in the Computer Age Graham Houston (Apollos) We import this from England as it is one of the more significant, serious books in the field. How do the issues raised by computer technology in a postmodern world impact our views of truth and morality? Seeking God in Cyberspace Joshua Hammerman (Simcha Press) This Jewish rabbi has given us a fascinating narrative of his surfing the web for religious insights. Not about a religious view of computers, but an example of how some are using the net to redefine traditional religious views.
The Talmud & The Internet: A Journey Between Worlds Jonathan Rosen (Farrar,Straus) An exquisitely written and profound exploration of the way cyberspace effects our perception of texts and how reading, even sacred reading, is altered by the computer. Fans of the internet should ponder this long and hard.

Congregational Ministry

The Art of Pastoring: Ministry Without All the Answers David Hanson (IVP) What a wonderful guide to the heart of the pastor’s mission, packed with honest stories and profound insights.
Working the Angles Eugene Peterson (Eerdmans) Peterson’s series of books on “vocational holiness” are essential reading. Start here and read them all.
The Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call Eugene Peterson & Marva Dawn (Eerdmans) A fabulous and provocative bit of Biblical study on ministry. Wise and well written, this is a fantastic book.
AquaChurch: Essential Leadership Arts for Piloting Your Church in Today’s Fluid Culture Leonard Sweet (Group) A truly creative and energizing book looking at the postmodern setting and seeking to do ministry in ways that are faithful to our call and our cultural context. Hold on for the ride!
Community of the King Howard Snyder (IVP) One of the many great books on the Biblical basis and nature of the local church. Obviously an essential topic to be studying!
Calling & Character: Virtues of the Ordained Life William Willimon (Abingdon) One of the most respected mainline clergy gives us solid Biblical teaching on the meaning and demands of the ordained life. Wonderfully written and timely.

Creative Arts

Art & The Bible Francis Schaeffer (IVP) Two short essays which have
proven indispensable for Christian artists of all sorts. Wonderful!

Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith & Art Madeline L’Engle
(NorthPoint Press) An exquisite essay by one of our finest writers in
which she draws on her craft as novelist and poet. Basic and

State of the Arts: Gene Vieth (Crossway) Biblical study, art history
and discussions of contemporary visual artists all set within a
culturally-wise worldview.

It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God edited by Ned Bustard
(Square Halo) A fabulous collection of thoughtful chapters by a variety
of artists, who work in a variety of mediums, each talking about how to
go about actually doing art from a Christian perspective.

Rainbows for a Fallen World Calvin Seerveld (Toronto Tuppance Press)
Certainly one of the most widely respected writers about Christians in
the arts, this eccentric book holds forth a vision of God’s concern for
nuance, suggestion, color and allusivity. Creatively written, serious
and, at times, nearly stunning. Exceptional!

Bearing Fresh Olive Leaves: Alternative Steps in Understanding Art
Calvin Seerveld (Hodder & Stoughton) A distinctively Christian approach
to art history and the philosophy of art historiography. Mature, at
times brilliant!

Criminology & Law

To Serve and Protect Judith Kowalski (ACTA) An inspiring collection of testimonies on law enforcement officers reflecting on their faith and work.
Convicted: New Hope for Ending America’s Crime Crisis Charles Colson & Daniel Van Ness (Crossroad) A very basic book on a Biblical alternative to typical criminal punishment, called “restorative justice.” Includes very practical proposals.
Crime and It’s Victims Daniel Van Ness (IVP) The definitive study of crime in the Bible and a call for a Christian approach. A must-read! Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime & Justice Howard Zehr (Herald Press) Responding out of an intentional Christian paradigm, this book examines assumptions about crime and proposes a new, “restorative” lens. Excellent.
The Lawyer’s Calling: Christian Faith and Legal Practice Joseph Alligretti (Paulist Press) A readable but very excellent approach to a Christian perspective.
Can a Good Christian Be A Good Lawyer? Edited by Thomas Baker & Timothy Floyd (University of Notre Dame) Subtitled, “homilies, witnesses and reflections” this is a diverse and serious collection of various essays and articles.
Positive Neutrality: Letting Religious Freedom Ring Steven V. Monsma (Baker Book House) Makes a compelling case that the principle of justice demands an framework which treats religious freedoms and institutions equally with secular ones (as opposed to the recent bias in favor of secularism.) Of the many good books on “church-state” legal matters, this is the best place to stare. Solid!
Faith and Order: Reconciliation of Law and Religion Harold J. Berman (Emory University) Although exceptionally academic, this scholarly, historical work is immensely significant in the field of jurisprudence.


Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger Ron Sider (Word) Certainly the best introduction to Biblical passages about economics, poverty and justice. A classic!
The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith James Halteman (Herald) This Mennonite economist offers solid Biblical discussion about market theories, etc.
Capitalism & Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society Bob Goudzwaard (Paternoster Press) A brilliant survey of the faith in progress and the secularized economic theories that undergird both capitalism and Marxism. Essential!
Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward an Economy of Care Bob Goudzwaard & Harry de Lange (Eerdmans) A helpful study showing the connections of ecological issues and poverty and the West’s idolatrous commitment to economic growth. An important contribution from eminent Dutch economists.
Alternatives to Global Capitalism Ulrich Duchrow ((International Books) A very serious study which is drawn from Biblical history and designed for political action.
Globalization and the Kingdom of God Bob Goudzwaard (Center for Public Justice) This former member of the Dutch parliament and esteemed Christian economist presented a lecture which examines the way in which our world is rapidly becoming a “global village.” Following his chapter, three other Christian scholars respond, making this a useful, provocative and thoughtful book.


For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (Crossway) A delightful survey of the educational philosophy of British educator Charlotte Mason and how this vibrant view can shape our work with children. Wonderfully written and insightful, a nice starter book.
Your Child’s Heart: Building Strong Character and a Lasting Faith Terry Glaspey (Highland Books) Although written for parents, this wonderful book is a call to help children develop their moral imaginations through good books.
Letters to Lisa: Conversations with a Christian Teacher John Van Dyk (Dordt College Press) A gem of a book, written as a series of letters between a daughter (first time elementary teacher) and her father (a professor of education) Each letter is about how to apply the Christian worldview and being faithful in the daily details of the classroom, so it is a perfect example of relating theory and practice. (Note: Although the story unfolds in an alternative Christian school, the wisdom and insights are clearly transferable to public school settings!)
Walking With God in the Classroom: Christian Approaches to Learning and Teaching Harro Van Brummelen (Alta Vista) The definitive, serious book on developing a truly Christian framework on thinking Christianly about schooling. Essential. (Please know: although this is written mostly for alternative Christian schools, the insights and wisdom are transferable to public school settings!)
Christian Teachers in Public Schools Julia Stronks & Gloria Goris Stronks (Baker) Truly the only good book of its kind, this can serve as a guide to teachers, administrators and parents. Although an immensely helpful book, don’t miss the previously listed titles which develop a more foundational philosophy of learning and teaching (which this book presupposes.)
Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools Jonathan Kozol (HarperCollins) Although not written from a Christian perspective, Kozol’s passion for children makes him always important to read. In this one, he illustrates the painful truth that many public schools are terribly underfunded while nearby, other schools are exquisitely appointed. Anyone who cares about public education, or children…
The Gift of the Stranger: Faith, Hospitality, and Foreign Language Learning David Smith & Barb Carvill (Eerdmans) What a gift! This books integrates Biblical teaching, sound and caring theology and offers an appraisal of various ways foreign languages are taught. Every academic discipline should be so fortunate.

Environmental Sciences

Remembering Creation: God’s World of Wonder & Delight Scott Hoezee (Eerdmans) An absolutely delightful and moving collection of Biblical reflections on God’s love for the world and our calling to care as God does. Very, very inspiring, putting first concerns–God and Scripture–first.
The Best Sermon’s On Earth edited by Stan LeGuire (Judson) For those who need solid Biblical study and inspiring meditations, this wide-ranging collection of sermons is superb! With messages by some of our greatest preacher, this is sure to inspire and motivate Christians to get and stay involved in environmental action.
The Earth is the Lord’s: A Message of Hope for the Environment Steve Bishop & Chris Droop (Regious) A simple but potent little book. A great green starter!
Caring for Creation: Responsible Stewardship of God’s Handiwork Calvin DeWitt (Center for Public Justice) This slim volume includes an excellent speech by renowned Christian ecologist Cal DeWitt and three thoughtful responses. Probing and insightful, this is an important contribution to the discussion and policy debates.
Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship Fred Van Dyke et al (IVP) Four Christians in various sciences have given us a standard Christian text–Biblically-informed and scientifically serious–about our calling to take care of God’s earth and animals. Very thorough.
Home Economics Wendell Berry (NorthPoint Press) No list would be complete without at least one collection of essays by this brilliant and highly respected agrarian poet/novelist/farmer. Known for rich and diverse works about culture and agriculture, this is a wonderful place to start, but don’t miss his other wonderful work.
Simpler Living, Compassionate Life: A Christian Perspective edited by Michael Schut (Living the Good News/Morehouse) Without a doubt, the best book of its kind, this is an invitation to reflect spiritually on daily lifestyle questions, matters of consumerism and Earth-care, use of time and use of resources. Included are remarkably helpful study questions, guided devotional readings and other great resources for becoming more faithful in our daily routines. A true gift for anyone to use and ponder.
Earthkeepers: An Environmental Perspective on Hunger, Poverty and Injustice Art & Jocele Meyers (Herald Press) A basic discussion of the relationship of global concerns, sustainable development, ecological stewardship and world missions. Especially for those interested in the “two-thirds world” this is a great help.