History Through the Eyes of Faith Ronald Wells (HarperCollins) An excellent introductory textbook from an esteemed Christian historian. Very well done.
How Should We Then Live? Francis Schaeffer (Crossway) A very readable introduction of Western civilization, with a very keen sense of the role of faith, the causes of secularization, and the role of idea.
The Search for Christian America Mark Noll, Nathan Hatch, George Marsden (Helmers & Howard) The wisest book done on this contested topic, by the most preeminent evangelical historians of our generation.
Church History in Plain Language Bruce Shelley (Word) While a Christian philosophy of historiography is obviously just about the history of the church, historians will find this overview very useful.
History and the Christian Historian edited by Ronald Wells (Eerdmans) A stellar collection–including foundational essays and solid starting points as well as specific examples of Christians doing specific historical research. A few final chapters explore the ways in which Christian teachers of history can faithfully do their work. Excellent!
Religious Advocacy and American History edited by Bruce Kuklick & D.G. Hart (Eerdmans) A diverse collection of scholarly essays on the role religious convictions influence the historians research, writing and teach and, secondly, the ways in which religion has been seen in the history departments of American universities.