Sociology Through the Eyes of Faith David Fraser & Tony Campolo (HarperCollins) An excellent introductory Christian textbook. An essential volume.
The Earth is God’s: A Theology of American Culture William Dyrness (Orbis) While not really sociology, this develops a Biblical-theological perspective on culture and society, making it very helpful for sociologists.
To Understand the World, to Save the World: The Interface of Missiology and the Social Sciences Charles Taber (Trinity Press International) This slim, serious book explores how sociology and anthropology can integrate with Christian missions in the modern world.
SoulTsunami: Sink or Swim in the New Millennium Culture Leonard Sweet (Zondervan) Not exactly a Christian view of the discipline of sociology, this is a postmodern hybrid book vividly reporting on social trends, evaluating the latest sociological insights and making the passionate case for evangelical involvement in the new, hot-wired world. Understanding the trends and transitions that this book describes is essential–and fun!– for anyone in the social sciences.
The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion Peter Berger (Anchor) A brilliant and seminal work by a Christian working on theories of knowledge and the sociology of religion. Very serious.