Mathematics: Is God Silent? J. Nickel (Ross House Press) A very easy read, this handsome book surveys many of the great mathematicians and illustrates how their Christian assumptions about God and God’s creation led to their systematic work in the field of numbers. If God speaks to all of life–as the Bible insists!–then God surely has something to say to math.
The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories Roy Clouser (University of Notre Dame) Although a fairly serious philosophic work, his argument that all scholarship–including math–is influenced by religious-like philosophies, is brilliant. Very important.
A Christian Perspective on the Foundations of Mathematics R.I. Brabenac et al (Wheaton College) A collection of very academic papers presented at a conference of Christian mathematicians.
The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy Nancy Pearcey & Charles Thaxton (Crossway) Although primarily a study of the history of science, there are two very good chapters on math. Really helpful!
Bibliography of Christianity and Mathematics compiled by Gene Chase & Calvin Jongsma (Dordt College Press) A dated, but still extraordinary listing of articles, essays, journal pieces and book chapters which could then be acquired through libraries. Well worth having.
Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til Perspective edited by Gary North (Ross House Press) A dated and rather eccentric collection of various articles on Christian scholarship across the curriculum, the chapter on math, by Vern Poythress, is excellent, and worth the price of this otherwise uneven book.
Zero: A Biography of a Dangerous Idea Charles Seife (Penguin) While not an overtly Christian book, this is a highly readable history of the concept of, well, zero. Nicely shows the human, philosophic and cultural background of this intriguing story. Christians can certainly learn and be inspired by the history of innovation and discovery!
Fermat’s Enigma Simon Singh (Anchor) Not at all written with any sense of faith or God, still, the story of the epic quest to solve the world’s greatest math problem is a dramatic example of mathematicians at their finest, working with passion and joy. Young Christian thinkers can sure take heart from such a well-told story of commitment to the field.